
Dec 06, 2010 21:03


The old minions know how this works by now... but for the new ones: the Golden Bubotubers are the once-per-hundred awards for the worst fics we've seen in the last 100 days. These Awards cover Sues #2301 to 2400 only. If you would like to make nominations, they will be open for one week: please send your choices in to pottersues@gmail.com or pottersues@hotmail.com. You don't have to nominate for every category, just as many as you can think of contenders for. Only the first ten nominations for each category will make it into the final vote. Nominations must be done by email - any made in the comments for this entry will be ignored.

If you have a favorite, be sure to send it in! Your nomination may make the difference between a Sue being eligible in the poll or not.

When you nominate, please include four pieces of information:

1) The category(ies) you are nominating for.
2) The name(s) of the Sue(s). Since this is how Sues are recorded in the Suechives, this is very important.
3) The title(s) of the fic(s). This is very important for Canon-Sues, I need to know which Hermione-Sue it is.
4) What about the story(ies) deserves the award, if this has not already been stated (EG: if you're nominating Hermione-Sue for 'most OOC canon character', that's covered in #2. If you're nominating some other Mary-Sue who happened to get Professor McGonagall way OOC, then a note should be made).

The last 100 Sues, if you need to browse them, are archived here Suechives - 2301-2400. Note: This round of GBs is LATE. This means you can not nominate recent Sues/Stus . Make sure they are in the appropriate Suechive.  Don't go past the Sue named: "Isabelle "Belle" Walker". On the plus side - Samir Karim Karam is eligible!

The categories are:

× WORST TITLE: bad titles can be many things... lame, nonsensical, boring, stolen, or even big, blinking signs that say HELLO! THIS IS A MARY-SUE!

× SILLIEST NAME: Serenas, Selenes, and Serenities are not eligible for this category.

× MOST RIDICULOUS POWERS: for the most impressive (or eye-rollingly absurd) list of Special Sue Abilities.

× MOST IMPLAUSIBLE PREMISE: for the most ridiculous explanation of where Mary-Sue came from, how this crossover happened, or how this AU is different from the standard Potterverse.

× PURPLEST PROSE: 'purple prose' is flowery, over-written dreck - Anne Rice is famous for it.

× WORST PROSE: the 'OMG I r such a gud riter!' award.

× MOST OOC CANON CHARACTER - MALE: self-explanatory... if Draco turns into a dashing romantic hero, or Ron inexplicably becomes a Death Eater, the fic qualifies for this one.

× MOST OOC CANON CHARACTER - FEMALE: see above, only apply to goth!Ginny, makeover!Hermione, hot-for-student!McGonagall or whoever else, at need.

× WORST ALTERNATE UNIVERSE OR CROSSOVER: for those fics in which Harry doesn't exist and Mary-Sue is the Girl Who Lived. Or Buffy Summers is Voldemort's daughter and marries Draco. Or Dumbledore summons up Jesus to help fight Voldemort. And yes, we've seen examples of all three.

× MOST ANNOYING OC: self-explanatory - for that one Mary-Sue that you just wanted to reach into your monitor and strangle.

× WORST FANFIC: all of the above. No talent, no spellchecker, no plot, no clue.

× THE OMGLWTFWTPT?!1? AWARD: as in 'Oh, My God, Like What The Fuck Was This Person Thinking?!1?'. For the fics that get that reaction specifically.

× MOST UNINTENTIONALLY HILARIOUS: Ever seen one of those movies that was so awful it was actually really, really funny? This is for fics like that.

× STUPIDEST POSSESSIONS: A diary made of Severus Snape's skin? An amulet that can transform your gender? Why would people own these things? Sues featured here have owned these items.

× SILLIEST USERNAME: Crazybiachchick? *x*xdracos*x*xmudbloooodd*? What user name makes you want to cringe?


× MOST QUOTABLE LINE: For the line you just wish you had on an icon/t-shirt/mug/whatever.

Note: Fics rated "TROLL" are only allowed to be nominated for "MOST QUOTABLE LINE".

Be sure you get your nominations in. I want to see all the categories filled! Next Monday I will post the polls.

0 - golden-bubotubers

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