(no subject)

May 10, 2010 23:38

Thank you to the anonymous minion who sent in this Sue!

TITLE: You Know I Will: Long Kept Secret Revealed
PERPETRATOR: Suigin Megami.

FULL NAME: Camille "Cami" Franklin
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: none described
POSSESSIONS: lots and lots of dreams

ORIGIN: Finds out she is a witch at the age of 17. Her father didn't want her to know until then. She has to start Hogwarts - the next day.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Is old friends with Hermione, she is her "cousin's best friend". She is sorted into Gryffindor. She instantly befriends Harry, Ron, Ginny and "Neville Bottomless". This is why you don't trust spellcheck. She laments her lack of a boyfriend, until Cedric saves her from Draco's tormenting. After several OCs show up, students and new professors, they go to the "Hogwarts Dance".
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Matchmaker extraordinare - matches Professor Stone to Professor Snape. Also making leading comments to get people's attention.

NOTES: She spends a lot of time dreaming of being with Cedric, but not doing much else. There is a lot of dialogue but not enough description.


The class is over a little while later. Camille, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and Maxina walked back to the Gryffindor common room.
“Professor Snape would be so much happier if had a girlfriend.” Camille said.
“Like that'll ever happen.” Ron replied.
“I won't be too sure about that.” Maxina said.
“What do you say that?” Hermione asked.
“I've seen the way he looks at Professor Stone and it's the look of love.” Maxina answered.
“Snape in love I don't believe it.” Ron said.
“Well it's true and next time they are around each other watch him closely than you'll know.” Maxina replied.
All of a sudden Professor McGonagall walked into the common room.
“I have some news to tell you.” Professor McGonagall said.
“What it is?” Harry asked.
“I'm not going to be the head of Gryffindor anymore.” Professor McGonagall answered.
“Who is?” Ron asked.
“Professor Sunniva Stone is and I'm going to be head of Ravenclaw.” Professor McGonagall answered.
“Why are the two of your switching?” Ginny asked.
“She was in Gryffindor when she went here and she misses being in here.” Professor McGonagall answered.
Professor Stone walked into the Gryffindor common room.
“Hey everyone.” Professor Stone said.
“Hi Professor Stone.” Hermione replied.
Professor McGonagall left. Camille sighed. Professor Stone looked at Camille.
“What's wrong Camille?” Professor Stone asked.
“I just can't stop thinking about the guy that I liked here at Hogwarts and please call me Cami.” Camille answered.
“Well I know that feel all too well.” Professor Stone said.
Camille stared at Professor Stone.
“Are you saying that you're in love with someone too?” Camille asked.
“Yes that's what I'm saying.” Professor Stone answered.
Harry and Ron left. Ginny looked at Professor Stone.
“Who it is?” Ginny asked.
“Severus Snape.” Professor Stone answered.
Maxina smiled.
“Do you want to dance with tonight?” Maxina asked.
“Yeah I do but he'd never ask me.” Professor Stone answered.
“Could you help us girls get ready?” Hermione asked.
“I would love to on one condition.” Professor Stone answered.
“What condition is that?” Camille asked.
“You have to help me get ready and I want Severus to speechless when he sees me.” Professor Stone answered.
“Okay than we'll see what we can right girls.” Maxina said.
Camille, Ginny and Hermione nodded their heads. Maxina put Professor Stone's hair up in a braided updo.
“Do you have a dress picked out?” Ginny asked.
“Yes I do.” Professor Stone answered.
Professor Stone walked over to her suitcase and took a pink sleeveless v-neck dress.
“Wow that is dress so beautiful.” Maxina said.
Professor Stone walked off to change and came back a few minutes later.
“Whoa, Professor Stone you look amazing.” Hermione replied.
A few hours later they are ready for the dance. They all go down the great hall where the dance is being held. Severus took one at Sunniva and started to fall more in love with her. The music started up. Severus walked over to Sunniva.
“Would you like to dance?” Severus asked.
“I would love to.” Sunniva answered.
Severus lead Sunniva onto the dance floor. Severus wrapped his arms around Sunniva's waist. Sunniva wrapped her arms around Severus's neck and they start dancing.
“You look beautiful.” Severus said.
Sunniva smiled.
“Well you look very handsome.” Sunniva replied.
Harry is dancing with Ginny, Ron is dancing with Hermione and Max is dancing with Maxina. Camille is sitting off watching everyone. Cedric walked over to Camille and sat down next to her.
“What's wrong?” Cedric asked.
“All my friends have boyfriends but I don't.” Camille answered.
“Do you fancy anyone?” Cedric asked.
“Yeah I do but I'd rather not say who it is.” Camille answered.
Cedric got to his feet.
“Do you want to dance?” Cedric asked.
“Yes I would love to.” Camille answered.
Cedric lead Camille onto the dance floor and they started to dance. Maxina noticed them dancing and just smiled to her face. A few minutes later the song is over. Camille looked around and noticed to Professor Stone is gone. Cedric looked at Camille.
“What's the matter?” Cedric asked.
“Professor Stone is gone.” Camille answered.
“I'm sure that wherever she is that she's safe.” Cedric said.
~Meanwhile in the courtyard~
Severus and Sunniva are on the glass looking up the stars. Severus sighed than leaned over and kissed Sunniva. Sunniva's eyes widen in shock. A few minutes later Severus broke the kiss.
“Why did you kiss me?” Sunniva asked.
“I couldn't help because every since the first moment you came to Hogwarts I've been madly in love with you.” Severus answered.
Sunniva smiled.
“That's good to know because I feel the exact same way about you.” Sunniva said.
“Really you do?” Severus asked.
“Yes really I do.” Sunniva answered.
“Wow I never thought anyone would ever fall in love with me.” Severus said.
“Why not?” Sunniva asked.
“I'm not the world's most gorgeous wizard.” Severus answered.
“That's not true because I think you a very gorgeous and I never want to hear you put yourself down like that again.” Sunniva said.
“Ok thanks and I won't.” Severus replied.
“Does this mean we are couple?” Sunniva asked.
“Yes it does sunshine.” Severus answered.
“Did you just call me sunshine?” Sunniva asked.
“Yes I did.” Severus answered.
“Ok I was just checking gorgeous.” Sunniva said.
Severus and Sunniva stay out in the courtyard for the longest time than they go back to the houses. Hermione is still awake when Professor Stone comes into the Gryffindor common room.
“Where have you been?” Hermione asked.
“That's no of your business Miss Granger.” Sunniva answered.
“We will all worried about you.” Hermione said.
“There's no need to be worried because I was safe.” Sunniva replied.
Sunniva walked off humming to herself. They all go to bed. Camille is dreaming about Cedric. Cedric is dreaming about Camille. Sunniva and Severus are dreaming about their future together. Harry and Ginny are dreaming of each other. Hermione and Ron are dreaming of each other. Max and Maxina are dreaming of their future.

rating - bad

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