WHAT? Bad fan fiction. Or at least bad premises.
WHO? All of the lesbian minions, and anybody else who wants to participate!
The Pit of Voles.
WHEN? September 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.
WHY? Because, as loyal minions we should show our abilities off. And because it is tradition! Links to our previous contest announcements can be found in the
HOW? I assign a theme, and you write really bad fan fiction. It doesn't have to be bad, but we all know that if a fic is written poorly it will still get lots of reviews. You can make it a serious attempt, with proper punctuation, grammar, and canon. You can make it nearly illegible, cliched, and OOC. It can be a crossover or AU, it doesn't matter. As long as the rules are followed it will be fine. :)
The rules are as follows:
1) Fics must be posted on the Pit of Voles, sometime between September 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008. You therefore have thirty days to brainstorm, write, and generally psych yourselves up, and a maximum of four months in which to collect reviews. Fics posted before September 1 will be disqualified. I'm not picky about time zones, so as long as the 'published on' date on The Pit says it was September 1 where you are, that's fine.
2) You don't have to finish the fic. Heck, you don't have to post more than a single chapter if you don't want to.
3) You don't have to post them under your own username. I'm not that cruel. You can co-author a story with someone, however, it must be posted under one account.
4) The winning fic will be the one with the most signed, positive reviews per chapter. So a one-chapter fic with 12 reviews will beat a two-chapter one with 13.
5) You cannot anywhere on your profile page or in the fic itself note that this is for a contest. People who like it have to like it because they like that sort of thing. I can't stop you, but please don't provide a link in your livejournal. If you get a bunch of your friends on your friends list to read and review it's cheating, and that's not fair.
6) Email me the URL of your story. If I don't know where it is, I can't include it in the judging. My email is OR
This theme this year is Creature Fic. I have no idea what encrouaged this trend, but characters popping up as half-vampire-veela-fairy, or full unicorn-cat-walrus are on the rise. Want to use a mythical creature? Sure! Want to use an animal? No problem! Want to make up your own creature? Great thinking! Want to create a crossover between Harry Potter and Battlestar Galactica where Hermione is secretly a Cylon? The choice is yours!
The only thing you have do is make the main character of your story a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu and they must be part or all creature. What the plot is after that is up to you. Just make it spork-tastic and put it online for the voles to read and review. It doesn't have to be rated "Toxic" and it doesn't have to be amazing. As long as it exists and it gets reviews, that is all that matters.
Send the URLs of your entries to pottersues at gmail dot com OR pottersues at hotmail dot com... only one entry per account, please.
First Place will wins first choice of either a Harry Potter or Lord Voldemort figurine.
Second Place will win the other figurine.
At good way to get reviews is to be a review-whore. Give everyone reviews, especially stories just like yours.
Oh, and one other thing... have fun, okay? Don't enter if you're not going to have fun. Fanfiction should be fun to write, fun to read, and fun to mock, so just enjoy yourself and don't take it too seriously. :)
See? That wasn't a bad announcement!