0161: mx races and muggles - Gabriella Drumstrang

Sep 12, 2003 21:38

Repeat Offender Week concludes... we'll be back to fresh, raw Sueage tomorrow.

Like that's anything to look forward to.

TITLE: mx races and muggles ('mx races'? Is that a biking thing?)
PERPETRATOR: be slytherin (AKA the Author who Brought us Clover Potter)


FULL NAME: 'Ms. Gabriella drumstrang' (her capitalization)
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: 'long brown hair'
EYES: 'big beautiful brown eyes'
MARKINGS: not described
POSESSIONS: none mentioned

ORIGIN: She was supposed to go to Beauxbatons, but her father sent her to Hogwarts instead so that this fanfic could happen.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: The usual; everybody either adores her or detests her. The latter, in my case.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: A parselmouth. Out-duelling Draco. Making every guy in 'Gryffendor' go nuts for her. And, according to Dumbledore, an 'awesome' Quidditch player. I'm sorry, but my brain simply refuses to imagine Dumbledore saying 'awesome'.

NOTES: The 'shift' key is important. The 'shift' key is good. The 'shift' key is your friend.

Do they think they're rebelling against something, or what?


Ha ha yeah my first fan fiction. This one is about harry potter of course but, mixed with a bit of muggle life.

"Why if it ain't pot-head, weasel, and grungie granger." Draco sneered. As harry, hermione and Ron passed.

"oh, how I hate that stupid retard!!!!" Ron fumed.
"Just ignore him Ron, you have to get use to it. He's a malfoy." Hermione said walking away from Malfoy's site.
They headed for the great hall and sat in their correct tables. No one really said anything until George came in with his head boy robes. (Yes I said George as in George Weasly. Funny huh?) Harry and hermione tried to keep their laughs in but Ron on the other hand he just started laughing and laughing until George came over and told him to shut-up.
The first years came in and was each put in their place. Then dumbledore stood and spoke "As you all know the school for boys drumstrang, that we competed in last year in the triwizard tournament.
Well, Ms. Gabriella drumstrang was supposed to go to beaxubatons but her father thought that Hogwarts would be much better choice. She is a fifth year and a awesome Quidditch keeper please welcome Gabriella."
A girl with big beautiful brown eyes and long brown hair came up to the sorting hat and professors' Mc gonagall placed it on her head.

"Ah, a drumstrang that's a first let's see courage lots of courage and brains I see you know your books. Slytherin would be good very good (Ron looked a Draco and he had a ear to ear grin on his face.) but, I say GRYFFENDOR!!!!" the hat said and his voice echoed throughout out the hall.
The gryffendor table exploded with yells and hands clapping. (Mostly guys) Gabriella went and sat by Hermione and George.
"Hi Gabriella I'm George."
"Hi George." Gabriella said quickly and an a strong American accent.

Once the feast was over they all headed for the common rooms. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Gabriella all talked until they ran strait into Malfoy.

" Ha! Pot-head, weasel, and granger oh, what do I see the new girl."
"Shut-up Malfoy I know your parents and they would be awfully ashamed to see their son coming home in a paper bag." Gabriella said pointing her wand out at him.
"Oh, you want to duel do ya?" Draco said drawing his wand.
"Oh, yes I do need some one to practice on trust me I won't hurt you too bad."
"Serpentsortia!" Draco bellowed. And a snake came to her.
"Saawwrawwsapa." Gabriella whispered. Then turned to Draco and yelled "jelly-legs jinx!" Draco fell to the ground. crabbe and goyle picked him up and ran off.
Gabriella put her wand back in to her pocket and twirled on one heel to see there mouths dropped to the ground.
"well, that was fun!" she giggled.
" what do you think you were doing!" hermione yelled.
"you have to stand up for your-self some time, before it is to late."

rating - toxic, al - parselmouth

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