1722: Maximum Ride: Back To School ... In England? - Maximum Joanna Sarah-Michelle Jamie-Lynn Ride

Jan 18, 2008 12:35

Last day of DrAgUnPrInCeSs Week! I'm sure many of you are happy!

Two Sues today!

Keep up the great work in Pottersuesburg! Add industry, improve the transport network, increase security, and now improve the environment! Plus, it's #52 in Canada, right now.

TITLE: Maximum Ride: Back To School . . . In England?!

FULL NAME: Maximum Joanna Sarah-Michelle Jamie-Lynn Ride aka Max
HAIR: "Brown with lighter brown highlights. When the light hits it right its blonde"
EYES: "ever changing eyes. Mostly brown or hazel"
MARKINGS: She is 5'8" and 1/2. I bet she has wings.
POSSESSIONS: Her "flock" of comrades - Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gassy, and Angel. Several phones, one of them looks like this, and another looks like this, and another one looks like this.

ORIGIN: This is a crossover with Maximum Ride. Her and her friends had to decide wheather to go to "Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters or something and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding". Guess which one they picked?
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Upon arrival at Hogwarts, Max tells everyone that she doesn't trust McGonagall. She was mad because some guy knocked her up, but she lost the baby because someone pushed her down the stairs. The Sorting Hat makes her dizzy, so she refuses to wear it. The Hat deems her un-sortable, and then sorts her into "Huffleclaw", where she asks to just be in Hufflepuff. She sends several texts during the sorting, I think some of them are to Draco. Then she makes Tonks, Luna and Ginny as well as all the other girls dance to various hip-hop songs.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She is an "avian-human hybrid" meaning she is "98%human 2%bird", and is "high maintantence[lol]". She can speak Italian.

NOTES: She looks like Jojo. Also, why is a seven-year-old going to Hogwarts?


The professor lady held the hat above my head. It was an inch above my head then all of a sudden I was sent spiraling off the chair. I slid and hit the door. I lay there looking at the ceiling. I slowly sat up, "What. The. F.uck?" I ask pissed off. I groggily get up, but fall back down, "I'm not putting that damned thing back on my head if it does that," I scream. Well, I didnt exactly say that but it was close. "I will sit here and wont be sorted then. But Im not putting that thing on my head. It might just send me through the roof this time. And Ive more than my share of going threw roofs thank you." I say like a child. I narrow my eyes at the hat. Glaring at it; its smartness and all its glory. (yes a hat can have glory. espically if it talks) I stop when one of my phones start vibrating.

"Hello?" I answer.
"Haye Boo!" I greet overly excitied. I smile, my face lighting up in the process.
"At school."
"Yea, I know." I roll my eyes.
"Uk" I say nodding my head.
"Europe," I say slowly and smile when she fianlly got it.
"I wish I could come back to Miami, Florida, but I'll visit. K."
"Yea, I still do."
"Umm, too many, but to be a supermodel, I have to be 5'9 or taller, a barbie doll, and love to play dress up," I say sarcastically.
"5'8 1/2"
"They're just gay."
"I know right."
"Brown with lighter brown highlights."
"When the light hits it right its blonde"
"Oh, so, ever changing eyes. Mostly brown or hazel"
"It was dark blonde, but I guess my dark roots took over. In certain seasons."
"Idk,[i dont know] it was fully blonde last year."
"Idk, but I'ma talk to you later. K."
"Yea, I have on flats. I had on your fave shoes, but uhh no!"
"Bye, boo. Luv ya too."
"KK. I will."
I hang it up.
"Ariel, Monique, Hannah says 'Hi' and that she luh's yall." I tell them.
"Otay," they answer.
"Ok, now where am I going?
Hufflepuf with Ariel for the hard works and nice people.
Ravenclaw with Monique for the intellic and book worms. No offense.
Gryffindor with Zep and James for the brave and valour. Goody 2 shoes.
Or Slytherin with It for the slick and high maintance folks.
Take your pick." I state.
"Did that b*tch just call you an It?" a girl whispers pissed off to Fang. I look at her direction.
"Yes, I did. What you gone do?" I ask her ready to jack.[fight]
"D.amn she's got good hearing," she whispers agian.
"Yes, I do, but then again you are an idiot who cant whisper. So it aint that hard." I say sarcastically. "Oh, and call my a b*itch or out of my name again, I will beat yo motherfriggin ass" I threaten coldy.
"Ok, you are nice, a leader, smart, brave, and slightly high maintance," the hat says.
"I know, I take it as a complement. Nall I'm just expensive. A lil" I answer truthfully.
"You gotta text message. Maaaaxxxx you have a texxxxxtttt messssaaggggeeeee!!!" says dory from finding nemo.

'Nw Txt Msg' Is what the text read.
'Max. Hey babe. Take me bak. Please. I miss u& luv u. Mo than u thnk u i do. Ino u thnk that I fckd ^. Yea I did. bt im sry. REALLY SORRY. <3 u. -Troy'
"Omg! He's soooo freaking sprung!" I mutter.
"Over who? you? hah! he must be blind. if he cnt see how ugly u are." the girl from earlier sneers.
"Look here shut the fuck up. Say another damn thang to me and we jackin. I just happen to know some1 who is blind and he thinks im very pretty. So what does that make you? Oh! I got it a piece of shit." I snap back at her. Daring her to continue. I send back to Troy:
'Troy. Haye Boo! No i wnt. i do miss ya&still liv ya 2 bt no. if u luv me so much den y did u f my bffe hannah? i accept yo apolgy. bt i dnt noe. let me think, k. <3 u still. . . . . i think
Max[omg. im in
freakin england!]
No, still not S!NGL3'
I smile. "Mmmmmaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxx iiittttssss thhe sobbbbbbb!" Dory sang again. New text.
'Y did you call me an it?
[[stll her angel of
of the Night'
"Mmmaaxxxx itttss yooooooouuuurrrrr baby!!!!" she sings in an annoyin high voice. "Why are yall textin me gosh!" I exclaim overlydramic.
'Hey lil sexii. y wnt u let me hit? Im fa real. i want 2. cme by my room lata k. <3 my freak junt. Slytherin Prince'
I blush big time.
'Hey my prince. bcuz 1)i aint scared, 2)u fck&tell, 3)idk. Im fa real too. good fa u. I will if you do sumthng fa me.
Max[omg. im in freakin england!] So not S!NGL3'
"Maaaxxxxxiiiiiiieeee pppoooooohhhhh you goooottsss 2 newww messsages."
'i dnt know y. I just wanted to . . . . . . . idk. im sry bout that. bt she was goin k. alright i respect yo wishes. ml[mess l8r]
I reply.
'Oh i see. k i <3 u! ttyl Max[in england]
S!NGL3 . . . . yet
so confuzd'
'Bcuz u r an it. -Max' I reply to fang.
'No im nt' he replys. 'wateva bye' i reply.
'Oh, i know that. oh. no the grls i fck tell nt me. k. do wat. eat u? i can do that. u want me to? SiiK3!
I wants her
B A D!'
'oh god'
'ok. u play 2 muck. bt i want to sleep w/u k.' Max[i need hm
bt dnt want hm]
"Neeeewww ooonneee frrroooommmm looovvverrrr boyyyyyyyy!" she continues to taunt. I roll my eyes.
'Oh. we'll cuddle . . . i guess. hw long we been going out&i aint gt none dmn!
-still wantn her-'
'Ok. Umm 3 mnths. So! u aint gttin none eda!
-I♥DlM fa lyfe-
I wait. "New text. New text!' Dory sang.
'No its 3 mnth 2 wk 1 day. Well its ok. good thangs happens when we wait. -I♥M.J.S-M.A.J-L.R ALWYZ!-'
'Oh, well. Bye! ♥ u lots
I sent back. "I ♥ hm" I mutter. "Ahh. I see you dont belong in a specific house. You need to be in all of the houses, but lets see. Not Slytherin or Gryffindor. Its Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. HUFFLCLAW!!" It screams. Both tables errupt in applause. 'Wow, I got two houses. So do I have 1 half for half of the year and 1 for the other?' "Can I just have Hufflepuff. Sorry Ravenclaw," I apoligize to the groans, "and get it over with." I ask. Prof ? nodded. "Yes! Do yall have Quittach?" I ask hopfully. She nods. I feel my whole face lights up with a smile. "Yes, this calls for a victory dance. All girlys in this hall please stand up." They all stood up waiting with impatiencness. I go to the teachers table and grab Tonks. Whose hair is straight&black, eyes blue, and a black jean mini with a tight blue tank that read 'Naughty' with a devilish Tinkerbell on it. And she has on black heels[3in]. Her make up consisted of: black eyeliner on both lids&lipgloss. I make her stand by the stool and went back to the table and grabbed Ashely. A blonde with hazel eyes. Her outfit consists of: a tight azz fitting blue jeans and a tight black tank top which read 'Nice' with an angelish Tink on it. Same make up and shoes as tonks. 'Did they call each other and say that they are gonna wear this today or what?' Then I made her stand on the other side of the stool. Then I go get Luna. Who has on : an army mini, black spagetti strap tank, army heels, black eyeliner&lipgloss. She looks goregous with her hair curly and a black and green headband on. "Yall ready!" I ask. They scream I play this songs on the intercom. You have too listen to it if you dont like this kind of stuff.


On 'Thong Song' Luna came out of her shell and danced like everybody else. Ginny danced on Iggy threw all the songs. I think I say them kiss. Idk. Everygirl was grinding[dirty dancing] on each other like it was nothing. I even got Prof Mc something to move a lil bit! Tonks and Ash danced with each other not like every other girl but close. On 'Take You Down' we all slow danced and grinded a lil with each other. Then 'Ms. New Booty' came on and everyone went wild and started popping and stuff. Next 'Hit the Dance Floor' came on and we went wild. . . . . again. And It ended with 'Low'. We had loads of fun. I have tons of pics. I swear the old man was laughing at me. We all sat back down exausghed. I sat down with Angel in my lap, and sat my chin on top of her mass of blonde curls, damp with sweat. I smile. The old man makes a long speech. I nearly fell asleep in the proccess. Then when he was done he waved his hands and food appears. A very large vairety of food.

o - pepper jack cheese, rating - toxic, b - speshul eyes, p - crossover

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