1542: Hell Cat - Torrey Artemis Black

Jul 22, 2007 15:57

I'm sure there are Spoilers in the comments.

I finished DH very early this morning. Some things made me happy, other things made me sad. I found a very amusing icon, that I can't use yet, and have an idea for another one. :) I also have an idea who the biggest OC is going to be.

It is going to be interesting to see if the few uppity-fanfic websites ease their restrictions on non-canon complacency now that the final book is out.

TITLE: Hell Cat
PERPETRATOR: blackmascara She calls this story "her baby".

FULL NAME: Torrey Artemis Black
HAIR: "onyx colored"
EYES: "the palest of greys"
POSSESSIONS: All of Bill's attention.

ORIGIN: Molly wears down Arthur's reasoning and they agree to adopt Torrey. Apparently Molly and Sirius were friends before October 31, 1981. This stunning fact makes her want to raise his child while he is in Azkaban
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Sirius' daughter. The Weasleys have adopted her. Bill favors her above all his other siblings.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Is very stubborn and is a brat.

NOTES: Zzz. I was really expecting more. Maybe when she becomes a teenager she will be even more Suey.


Molly was upstairs, reading a story to Ron and Ginny, when Bill appeared in the doorway, Torrey perched on his shoulders.

"I'm taking Torrey with me for a while." he said.

"Where are you going?" Molly asked.

Bill shrugged and Torrey giggled, wrapping her arms around the top of his head. "Thought I'd take her to Hogsmeade."

"I wanna go!" Ron whined.

"Me too!" Ginny piped, her thumb in her mouth.

"No." Bill said.

Torrey let out a large 'ha!' that make Ron gape and Ginny to shriek angrily. Molly opened her mouth to tell the dark haired little girl off, but Bill cut across her words.

"Can't stay, Mum." he said, turning around.

"When will you be back?"

"Next Wednesday." Bill called over his shoulder, as he clattered down the stairs. Fred and George cheered and Percy yelled at them.

Molly shook her head. Bill let Torrey get away with murder and then some whenever he was around. She lied, she yelled, she needled the others, and she threw temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. But still, she was a good kid.

There was only one person that Molly could give the credit to. It was Bill. Bill and his willingness to spend endless amounts of time with the little girl, even when there were other things he should have been doing.

Molly watched out the upstairs window as Torrey chased Bill around the backyard. Bill would let Torrey get just close enough to catch him but then would bolt away again. Torrey kicked and screamed, but she kept chasing her big brother.

This went on for about ten more minutes before Bill grabbed his little sister, slung her over his shoulder upside down, and Apparated away.

Molly shook her head again, this time thanking the gods for bringing the little girl into their lives.
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