1292: A Love/Hate Relationship - Crystal Evans

Nov 15, 2006 17:39

TITLE: A Love/Hate Relationship This is not a cliché, nope, not at all.

FULL NAME: Crystal Evans
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: waist-length black hair
EYES: sparkling, deep blue eyes
MARKINGS: a pale, flawless complexion.
POSSESSIONS: The balls to mouth off to Snape.

ORIGIN: America. Apparently Dumbledore thinks that Snape can’t teach and be a member of the Order at the same time; therefore, he hires another professor. I think Suthor Dumbledore did this so Snape could get some.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Her last name is Evans… She will now make Remus’ Wolfsbane potion, and this makes him uncomfortable. She will be paired with Snape.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Is excellent at potions, and is so good she can make Remus’ Wolfsbane potion. She calls out Snape for his rudeness.

NOTES: Using my super-duper pottersues powers, I foresee Snape and Crystal having “Teh Sex” in the classroom or his office, after a fight. Oh, there’s a banner to go with this fic.


“Now Severus I believe you still have preparations to finish before school starts so if you would please show Professor Evans to her office it would be greatly appreciated.” said Dumbledore.

Severus nodded and quickly stood up, walking out of the office at a fast pace, black robes billowing out behind him. Crystal quickly said goodbye to Dumbledore and Remus and ran after Severus, who was already half way down the hall.

“Hey wait for me!” she called as she ran to keep up with him.

When she finally caught up to him she said “Do you have to walk so fast?”

“It is not my fault you cannot keep up.” He said coldly.

He felt her eyes glaring at the back of his head and quickened his pace. Somehow she managed to keep up with him all the way down to the dungeons and to the potions classroom where he walked into his office and slammed the door in her face. Severus strode over to his desk and started shuffling through various papers trying to ignore the girl trying to get into his office. Suddenly the door was blasted off its hinges and fell to the floor in front of a very annoyed looking Professor Evans who had a hand on her hip and her wand in the other.

“Now that that little obstacle is taken care off… you should really learn some manners. Now, since it seems you don’t like me very much I think we should get this over with and then you can ignore me all you want.”

He glared at her icily then said, “Very well. I’ll take the classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You can have Tuesday and Thursday.”

“I think we should switch every week.”


“Well that way we’d have an even number of classes, and I also think we should teach together the first week, that way the students wont get confused and I can see your teaching style.”

Severus growled slightly at her but nodded.

“Alright now that we have that taken care of, where’s my office and rooms?”

Severus pointed out the doorway directly across the front of the classroom to the door there then muttered, “There’s a door to your quarters in there.”

“Thank you. Now I’ll leave you to your manner less rude life.” She said and turned on her heel, striding out of his office, pausing only for a moment to gaze at the door.

“You might want to fix that before the students get here.” She said smirking, then walked across the front of the classroom and into her office.

Severus glared at the door for a long time until he waved his wand and his door was instantly put back on its hinges.

‘This is going to be a long year.’
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