0087: That Riddle guy, remember? - Ginny Weasley

Jun 30, 2003 18:44

This isn't so much a Sue... just impressively out-of-character and amusingly gratuitous.

TITLE: That Riddle guy, remember? (better than you, apparently)

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)

FULL NAME: Ginny Weasley
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: not described, but I suppose it's red
EYES: not described, maybe blue
POSESSIONS: The heat of the Dark Lord's loins

ORIGIN: Apparently, this is Ginny in 6th year.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Seems to think she's Ginny Weasley, Tom Riddle is in lust with her.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Swearing and acting OOC.

NOTES: I find this one rather funny... nothing in it makes sense, and the author just assumes we don't care. Tom Riddle is back! Why? No reason... he just wants to screw Ginny Weasley. Ginny's dressed in sexy Muggle clothes! Why? No reason... even she doesn't know. Who needs a reason when you can have Tom/Ginny smut?


Ginny woke suddenly in the dead of night in her 6th year girl's dormitory. She was swetting and frightened. She'd just had a dream of well.Tom Riddle!

"What the hell was that?" she asked herself. Ginny put a dressing gown on over her track pants and tank top and headed down to the stone steps towards the common room. She sat there in front of the crackling fire thinking of the frightening dream. "Ginny" whispered a mans voice "Ginny"

"Who's there?"

"Ginny it's me!" something came over her and ploughed her into darkness. She was falling, falling for so long until landing on something soft. Ginny opened her eyes to see the Chamber of Secrets! "Not again!" she said looking around . "Yes Ginny again" a familiar voice came from the corner.

"Who's there?" the man laughed and came into focus, she gasped only to see Tom Riddle future Voldemort!

"Oh so you do remember me"

"Well of course I do, Voldemort, evil bastard and scum of the earth!" Ginny lunged at him only to be caught and tumble on the cold floor on top of him with her hands on his chest, he obviously hasn't changed since first year.

"You've changed"

"And you haven't" she answered coolly. She rolled off him and dusted off her clothes realising she wasn't wearing her PJ's it was a short green skirt and a green strapless top. "Ahhh, what is this?" Ginny demanded.

"Don't you like it? I do" he smirked, his smirk was so melting she felt herself smile uncontrollably.

"What do you want with me?"

"Can't we just talk?" Tom smirked again

"Ugh, you're exactly like Malfoy!" she growled.


"Slytherine scum who smirks and strides around like he owns Hogwarts, also calls Hermoine Mudblood as a sweet little nickname in their frequent friendly conversations" Ginny answered.

"Sounds like me except I'm not scum!" Ginny snorted and strolled around the chamber.

"Anyway, you haven't answered my question!"

"Okay! I SAID all I want to do is talk"

"No need to scream! Okay let's talk" Ginny sat in the silk cushions she'd landed in. Tom took his place next to her.

"So.how have ya been since first year?"

"Well I've changed unlike you!"

"Yer, from a scrawny red head to an okay specimen" Tom said looking Ginny up and down this made Ginny feel unnerved. "Stop looking at me like that!" Riddle snapped his head up.

"Like what?"

"Like that!"

"You talk to much here have a break" Tom moved closer to Ginny surprisingly so did Ginny. He took her face in his hand and kissed her softly. This melted her at his touch. Ginny pulled her arms around his neck and went in for another kiss, Tom fell backward and Ginny landed on him not releasing himself from his partner in crime. "Hmm" she managed to let out still lying on him. Ginny released herself and lay on his chest. He stroked her hair.

"What was that?" she asked breaking the silence.

"I believe Miss Weasley you kissed me!"

"Whatever" Ginny answered sleepily, since it was 3:00am.

"Night" he said as she nearly fell asleep.

"Tomorrow?" she asked hopefully.

"Tomorrow" he confirmed and she fell into a deep sleep.

sue - ginny weasley, rating - awful

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