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Comments 14

beckyhoadley June 13 2003, 21:21:15 UTC
You're all going to shoot me for this but...
I rather liked it.:)


pandoras_closet June 14 2003, 00:51:59 UTC
Yeah. Me too. Its a new twist. I don't know if Ranma was necessacary. Hell, a backfired Charm experiment would do nicely. Especially if Remus was trying to keep it a secret from the other Mauraders.

Hmmm...idea machine...activated.


beckyhoadley June 14 2003, 01:24:44 UTC
Heh. If you do it let me know.

See, I didn't even know this was a cross over. I know NOTHING about anime or whatever the heck this was a cross over with.

You're right it is definately a novel twist and something I haven't seen *shrugs*


pandoras_closet June 14 2003, 01:33:37 UTC
Ranma One Half; Teenagers, Martial Arts and gender swapping fun.

Short version: Meet Ranma Saotome. Teenage Martial Artist.

Meet Ranma's father Genma Saotome. Too stupid to pour piss out of a boot.

Ranma and Genma wind up in the mountains of china. Ranma falls into a cursed spring. From then on, whenever splashed with cold water, Ranma changes into a well-built female version of himself (physically speaking). Hot water will change him back, but only until the next dose of cold water.

Did I mention the four fiancees (none of which are really his fault), would be sorcerers, rival martial artists, demons, perverts, psychos, psychotic idiots trained in the martial arts, and any given combination of the above?

Its an action packed sex comedy on crack.


anriko June 13 2003, 21:27:21 UTC
*sputters, dies laughing*

If anything ever belonged in bad_crossovers, this is it. At least it's legible...

*dies again*


pottersues June 13 2003, 21:37:43 UTC
Done! ^_^


rikoshi June 17 2003, 21:16:00 UTC
Good spelling and grammar do not a good story make.

Witness The Slave and His Lover for further proof of this fact.


iczer6 June 14 2003, 09:08:39 UTC
>>Or perhaps he could just screamed bloody murder at the Fates for turning him into a girl! Of all things, a girl!<<

Because everyone knows that being a [gasp] GIRL is the WORST fate to ever befall a human being.

I mean I'm a [shudder] girl myself and it's a daily battle to not kill myself when I realize how inferior I am for not having a cock and balls.



*snark* torsui June 14 2003, 10:03:19 UTC
one word: niuhoomanmaorenniichuan.

(spring of drowned yeti carrying crane and eel. XP)

seriously, though, i liked this one.... if only for the fact that i was a ranma fanatic in my heyday. though the 'having guys fall all over cursed' is a little old, that is so ranma.


Hang on... ndpndntfilm June 25 2010, 03:10:03 UTC
Wouldn't Snape know is Renna wasn't a real student? I mean, he teaches all the students.


Re: Hang on... yemi_hikari October 29 2010, 03:12:57 UTC
What you have to understand is that in Ranma 1/2, a LOT of people didn't realize that he happened to switch gender. This fanfic is based off that plotline and it is a running gag.


yemi_hikari October 29 2010, 03:11:13 UTC
My gosh, I have to say I love this one. I think, if it had been worked out as an actual crossover, rather then a parody fanfic, or if it was a parody fanfic that happened to have a simular story to Ranma 1/2, like... getting different potions and stuff, it would not likely be a Mary Sue... or should we say Gary Stu here?


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