0064: Road Trip - Mandy Eton

Jun 07, 2003 21:27

I cannot even describe this...

TITLE: Road Trip
PERPETRATOR: Andariel666 (haven't I done one of hers before?)

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)

FULL NAME: Mandy Eton
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: not described (maybe black)
EYES: not described (possibly green)
MARKINGS: Lightning-bolt scar on her forehead (*twitch*)
POSESSIONS: none so far

ORIGIN: Oy gevalt... as the author explains, in her world there is no Harry Potter. Mandy Eton is 'the girl who lived.' Why? Because she would rather write about her Mary-Sue than about the canon characters.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: You mean other than having murdered Harry, hid his body, and stolen his spotlight?
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Making my right eye twitch a lot.

NOTES: Tastes like burning.


Mandy and Leah sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, both excited to return. It was now their sixth year. Mandy, the Girl Who Lived, had gone through years of battles and pain in her fight against Lord Voldemort. She’d gone from thinking she had no family to discovering she had a witch cousin, Leah, who had been attending a school in Switzerland whilst enjoying skiing.

Now Leah was with Mandy. She now had another member of her family, aside from her horrible Muggle family and her godfather, who she called Uncle Paul. Her fight against the Dark Lord may have left her parentless, but she still had some family.

When he’d killed her parents then turned his wand on her, he hadn’t bargained that he’d fail, and that a one year old toddler rendered him powerless.

Mandy was famous for living where grown witches and wizards hadn’t. She was famous in the wizard world, and her lightning bolt shaped scar on her forehead was a form of recognition for everyone.

“You’ll love Hogwarts,” Mandy said, stifling a yawn. Getting up early was not good for her.

“I bet I will,” Leah grinned. From the moment they’d met, they’d both felt like they’d known each other for ages.

Mandy sized Leah up. “I think you’ll be a Gryffindor…”

“I hope so,” Leah chuckled. “Slytherin? My parents would go spare!”

Mandy blinked. “Oh, and speaking of Slytherin, stay out of the way of Draco Malfoy. And the rest of the Slytherins, for that matter.”

“Oh, I will,” Leah nodded. “I’ve heard all about the Malfoys. Strong Voldemort supporters.”

Mandy smiled. Like her, Leah refused to call Voldemort You-Know-Who. “I’m not scared of him,” Leah had said. “For all I care, he’s a poofta in a tutu with BoBo the Clown hair.”

Mandy’s mates, Sarah and Oliver, entered the carriage, and slumped down.

“’Lo Manda,” Ollie mumbled sleepily, his eyes closed. Mandy thumped him on the arm.

“No way Ol, you can’t sleep if I can’t.”

“Hello again Leah,” Sarah smiled. She and Ollie had met Leah in Diagon Alley, where all the wizard shops in the London area were.

“Hey guys,” Leah grinned, stuffing her face with a chocolate frog.

“You’re supposed to savour the flavour,” Mandy scolded her. “Especially since you spent about five minutes chasing it around the carriage.”

Sarah chuckled, and Ollie gaped as Leah stuffed half of the frog into her mouth.

“Animal,” Mandy snorted. “You can be such a lemon.”

“Speaking of lemons, we saw Malfoy,” Ollie said, snapping to attention. Mandy chuckled at him making a connection between Draco Malfoy and a lemon.

“Yeah, he was bragging about how his dad is lined up for a promotion,” Sarah rolled her eyes.

“Lined up for a turkey shoot is better, but that’s wishful thinking,” Mandy grunted.

“Why, Mandy, such hostility!” Leah teased.

“You haven’t met Malfoy yet,” Ollie smiled. Then frowned. “What’s a turkey shoot?”

Being a purebred wizard, Ollie wasn’t clear on Muggle matters. Sarah was Muggle-born, and so was Leah. Mandy was purebred, from her Muggle-born mother (from whose side of the family Leah came from) and pureblood father.

“It’s a thing where people are lined up to get shot with a gun one by one.”

“Oh,” Ollie nodded, looking enlightened, adjusting his glasses. “I heard about guns. They’re the metal things that Muggles use to kill each other.”

Mandy, Leah and Sarah laughed. Even though Mandy was purebred, she’d been raised by Muggles, so she was a lot clearer on the subject.

“Malfoy looked different,” Sarah said thoughtfully.

Mandy raised an eyebrow. “Oh. Has someone changed him back into a weasel? He was transfigured into a ferret, right?”

They laughed again. Malfoy had been turned into a ferret in her fourth year, a white one (due to his sheer, peroxide blond hair). Everyone knew he’d been turned back straightaway, but they all joked that he was still a ferret.

“Well, I am talking about looks-wise,” Sarah smiled.

“A Malfoy never changes personality-wise,” Leah said. “I know that from all I’ve read, and heard from Ollie.”

Ollie bowed as best as he could whilst sitting.

The carriage door opened, and all four looked up to see Draco Malfoy and his henchmen, the brawny but totally dumb Crabbe and Goyle.

Mandy felt her jaw drop slightly. Malfoy had definitely changed. Although she’d seen changes in him in the fifth year, it didn’t change the fact that now he was totally…different…

She couldn’t out her finger on it, but she knew that he was now totally shagadelic.

Oh baby, she thought. If only you weren’t a Slytherin prick.

Draco Malfoy stood in all his arrogance - only to become crestfallen. He looked at the cabin of people. Sarah Blackburn, Oliver Greenwood, some unknown girl who he supposed to be Leah James (his father had told him of Mandy becoming reunited with a cousin - Muggle-born, no less), and who also looking at him appreciatively, and Mandy herself. But she looked different. Her hair was slightly curly, ditching the straight look it had sported. Her face wasn’t so pinched and didn’t have the same bruises under her eyes.

And…well, everything seemed different. It was as if he was only just discovering she was a woman. He’d always just thought of her as a name, and someone to loathe…yes, loathe. He should loathe her. As he always had done. She was Gryffindor. He was Slytherin. Age old rivalry separated them.

She was looking at him with wide eyes. He felt certain, smugly, that she liked what she saw. He too had changed. Taller, broken voice…and generally an adolescent, in full bloom as it were.

“Oh, speak of the prick - ahem, sorry, devil,” Oliver rolled his eyes.

Draco shot an annoyed glance at him. “Watch it Hardy. You may be a respected wizard to some, but to others he’s just a Muggle lover. He doesn’t have a great ancestry and fortune to back him up if something goes wrong…”

“Words of a spoilt brat,” Sarah said bluntly, crossing her arms.

“So you’re Malfoy,” Leah grinned.

Mandy snapped out of her trance. Was Leah openly hitting on him after all the warnings she’d given her? But wait! You were just ogling him yourself…he’s more muscular…shut it!

Draco looked at Leah. “I am. And you are?” Although I already know…

“Leah James, Mandy’s cousin,” she said.

“So you do have family,” Draco sneered at Mandy, who had been unusually quiet. “I mean, aside from a bunch of Muggles and a murdering godfather.” He smirked, knowing very well who was really responsible for Uncle Paul’s crimes. Wormtail, an old friend of Mandy’s dad’s, and a traitor, servant to Voldemort.

Draco was thought to be in line to become a Death Eater. What they didn’t realise was that he didn’t want to be. He was only so spiteful because his father had whipped him into shape, moulding him into a replica of himself. So now Draco was left with a lot of bitterness.

Ok, you know the story. Let’s get on with the fun.

“I do indeed,” Mandy said, recovering her own arrogance, though still grabbing an eyeful.

“And she’s just as headstrong,” Oliver smirked.

“Lucky us,” Sarah smiled. “Poor you.”

Draco looked at Leah, then at Mandy. Now only Leah was openly ogling his lunchbox, which annoyed him a little. He’d kind of enjoyed the idea that Mandy had been checking him out.

“We’ll see,” he said. “Maybe the famous Mandy Eton won’t be so hard to break after all.” With that, he and his Cro-Magnon sidekicks exited the carriage.

The first morning waking up in her bed at Hogwarts gave Mandy a sense of nostalgia. She was home again. With Leah, now also a Gryffindor. She had family. She rolled over, not quite wanting to wake up yet. Hang on, why did I get up?

“Wake up, lazybones.”

She opened one eye, and rolled it as far as she could to see who it was. “Angelina?”

Angelina Johnson was a Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

“Come on, Mand, we need to get in some Quidditch practice.”

She gaped. “We only got here yesterday!” She looked at her watch. “Fuckin’ ‘ell! It’s only four fifteen!”

“Oliver sent me to get you,” Angelina said apologetically. “He wants us to give the Slytherins a good thrashing.”

“Tell him to come back after breakfast,” Mandy groaned.

Angelina laughed, grabbed Mandy’s wrist, and pulled her up. Then she looked at another bed in the dorm. “Yo, Sarah! Quidditch practice.”

Sarah poked her head out of the canopy. “Mum?” She mumbled. Both Mandy and Angelina had a good giggle before Angelina departed, and Mandy stumbled out of bed to hunt for her Quidditch robes, and tripped over her jeans twisted up on the floor, landing on her butt and whacking her back on the bed.

“Oh, that was graceful,” Sarah chuckled.

“I think I broke my back,” Mandy moaned.

“Oh, don’t be a wussy pussy,” Sarah scolded playfully. “Come on; let’s get to the pitch before anyone considers training there.”

rating - awful, pf - boy/girl who lived (different one a, pc - parasite sue

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