0005: Butterflies - Alexandra Skipper

Apr 10, 2003 07:17

Okay... Trinity Snape was pretty bad. I think we both deserve something a little easier to stomach today, so here's a nice, mild one.

TITLE: Butterflies

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Alexandra Skipper
SPECIES: Human/Muggle
HAIR: Brown hair
EYES: Blue eyes
MARKINGS: ( Read more... )

ship - remus/oc, be - blue eyes, stu - remus lupin, stu - sirius black, rating - bad, ntn - animal titles, ap - cooking pursuit, p - plot prop, o - pepper jack cheese, rom - remus lupin, sw-o - tootsitramp, y - hogwarts years (3 - poa), rom - oc, ph - muggle, bh - brown hair, pc - relationship sue, ap - collecting pursuit

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Comments 6

_redpanda_ April 10 2003, 08:07:33 UTC
She also has a butterfly obsession which is either supposed to be cute or represents another instance of Pepper Jack Cheese. Hey, I like that... from now on, any obvious gratuitous insertion of something the author of a fic likes, I will refer to as a Pepper Jack Cheese.

Hear, hear. I second that. *laughs*


iczer6 April 10 2003, 09:06:13 UTC
>>"I fainted on the street." Remus said flatly.
Sirius' eyes widened with shock. "On a Muggle street?!"
Remus nodded. "After I delivered the book to Harry." He said and dropped down on his chair.>>

The real response would be:

Sirus: On a Muggle street?

Remus: No a street in the Dimension of Pain! Yes a Muggle street! Last time I checked that's where Harry lived.

Sirus: I figured that if this was anything like CANON Harry would live with us.



(The comment has been removed)

Re: o_O anonymous January 5 2009, 22:41:40 UTC
Maybe Sirius cracked... C'mon, it could be funny to write.


Re: o_O tobiasfliesfree December 12 2009, 16:37:58 UTC
It's a sadly common fanfic corruption of Sirius' personality. Fanfic writers apparently think someone who was a funny jackass in high school, then grows up to be tortured for twelve years and live on the lam for several more, would act like a small child.


yemi_hikari December 14 2020, 05:10:30 UTC
So, I think this might be a good one to add the Pepper Jack Cheese tag on, but it might not be a bad idea to add a pursuit of collecting things tag.


pottersues December 14 2020, 20:10:01 UTC
The PJC tag was already there, but I'll definitely add the pursuit of collecting tag to the entry.


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