0563: World of Wizard - Luke PenDragon

Oct 19, 2004 20:30

On second thought, you guys are right. Yesterday's was toxic.

So's today's, which is a Stu.

TITLE: World of a Wizard


FULL NAME: Luke PenDragon. Author's internal capitalization.
SPECIES: human/wizard
HAIR: 'shaggy black hair'
EYES: 'piercing blood red eyes'
MARKINGS: none mentioned
POSESSIONS: a super-special wand: 'Eleven and a half inches of ebony black bone, thin and smooth with three strands braided together in the core of the bone. The first strand was the thread of a dragon's heart, the second was a thin, willowy bone of a unicorn's horn, and the third, a single thin strip of skin from the flesh of a virgin mermaid. The ebony black bone was from a long dead creature, an ebony skinned demon. This was Luke's wand, the only one of it's kind, the one he'd had to make himself under the careful and precise instructions of a legendary wand maker.' And an insane owl of some sort.

ORIGIN: His parents died when he was born - it's not explained exactly why, but his superpowers had something to do with it. He's been trained all over the place and is now coming to Hogwarts.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Will be paired with Malfoy. Y'know, I like yaoi as much as the next fangirl, but geeeeze.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: can bring back the dead. Or kill people just by thinking about them. Talks to owls. Various and sundry other crap.

NOTES: I normally don't do Stus. There are enough Sues in the pit to let me keep doing this for ten years without even touching the Stus. But this one was begging for a sporking.


That very night, that very hour, that very minute, the exact second You-Know-Who had been destroyed by a young babe named Harry Potter; a boy named Luke PenDragon had been born.

Take not lightly the simple birth of wizard just born, for his power being so great, it had killed both his mother and father during the birthing. A power so great, rumors of You-Know-Who, being absolute compared to the newborn infant at having been capable of such a feat.

While goblets were clinked and toasts being made in great gaiety and joyousness; others whispered and shuddered in fear at the newborn child. Some shouted it's death, others shouted it's protection. But which shouted which? Did evil shout kill? Did the good shout protect? Or was it the good that shouted kill, and the evil shouting protect? For either side could easily take the infant under there care to mold and shape it's views, to be used in their own twisted ways, for good or for evil; no one was quite sure.

But it was the great Albus Dumbledore whom decided the childs fate, to live with his grandparents was to be young Luke's fate. And so it had been said, so it had been done as little Luke PenDragon grew up under the fearful gaze of his grandfather and grandfather.

~*15 years later*~

(Just so you all know, this would be what I'd think...would soon be Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts, sorry if it's a miscalculation, if it is, than add or subract a few years, Luke is a year younger but had been skipped up a level due to his...unusual powers he'd exhibited at a young age....)

Turning off his discman the teen pulled the ear phones off his ears and let them hang on his neck. He stared out the three story window with mock interest. In two days he'd be on the Hogwarts train leaving for Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, being who he was he picked up few to little rumors of Hogwarts.

From what he'd heard, the famous Harry Potter, 'The-Boy-Who-Lived', attended Hogwarts, and every year he'd been there the pathetic 'Lord Voldemort', had tried to kill him; unsuccessfully so far. This neither amused nor interested him enough to care, for he'd long ago learned not to get attached to people.

'I should go to Diagon Alley to get my things today...' Luke thought to himself dully, he wasn't thrilled or excited about such a prospect, his grandmother had left him quite a bit of money and instructions on how to find the place. 'But of course another "business" meeting needed her and her husbands presance in order to function properly' Luke thought bitterly, glaring at the quickly scrawled note in his pale hand.

Every summer without fail his gaurdians needed to fly to another state or continant on a business trip, but Luke knew better, it was to get away from him. Yes, Luke PenDragon. 'The-Boy-Who'd-Killed-His-Parents', the very second he'd turned five years old, Luke, had exhibited great talent in wizardry. Enough to scare the living daylights out of his grandparents so that they had to get as far away from him as often as they could.

'Like I'd asked for the ability to bring life back to the dead! Or to be able to kill someone without even touching them!' Luke shouted in his head angrily. He had many abilities and had help in honing them, from famous witches and wizards around the globe. Which explained why he now sat in a farely expensive motel room in England, soon to be taught and trained by Hogwarts finest.

Luke balled up his saliva and spat out the open window before grabbing his black robe and headed for the grungy looking 'Leaky Cauldron'.

He'd put his hood on to shield his pale face and black hair, but still the inhabitants of the shabby 'Leaky Cauldron', made a path for him without quite knowing why. They had all stopped there movements and conversations to stare at the hooded figure as he soundlessly brushed past them all towards the entrance of Diagon Alley.

An army of whispers greeted Luke's back as he exited the building with graceful silence.

Eleven and a half inches of ebony black bone, thin and smooth with three strands braided together in the core of the bone. The first strand was the thread of a dragon's heart, the second was a thin, willowy bone of a unicorn's horn, and the third, a single thin strip of skin from the flesh of a virgin mermaid. The ebony black bone was from a long dead creature, an ebony skinned demon. This was Luke's wand, the only one of it's kind, the one he'd had to make himself under the careful and precise instructions of a legendary wand maker. How he'd managed to get such ingrediants for the making of the wand was any wizards guess. But only Luke knew how the wand master had gotten them, for he'd helped him.

Pulling out his blacker-than-black wand he looked at the instructions then tapped the wall where he'd been directed.

The bricks pulled away and opened the doorway to Diagon Alley.

Walking through the entryway Luke glanced at the list of things he'd need for Hogwarts. Luke quickly headed for the store selling cauldrons, after buying the cauldron specified and the gloves he'd needed he stored them away in a magic compartment he'd crafted himself years ago, it allowed one to store away objects without carrying them or bumping into them. He'd named it the 'Magic Bag'.

Luke paid little attention to the stares and whispers when he'd left the bookstore without bags, having paid for several he'd needed on the list. He glanced briefly at the newest broom they had up for sale, Luke sighed in boredom and continued on, he needed to get an owl, he wasn't fond of toads and cat's always scratched him.

There was quite a commotion going on inside the pet shop, several shopkeepers were rushing all about, yelling and shouting, trying to capture the large, pure black owl; it's shriek sounding like the drop of a bomb, without the explosion. Deciphering a few of the shouts, Luke learned they were intending to kill the owl once caught.

Raising a hand towards the owl he closed his fist, the owl froze in place, unable to flap it's wings or twitch it's tail feathers, only to shriek and continue breathing. Luke then focused his gaze towards the head shopkeeper, arm still raised, fist still clenched.

"What type of owl is this?" Luke asked, his voice commanding respect as well as an answer.

"It's an Australian Sooty Owl, also known as a Dusky Barn Owl," the young man answered, "May I ask sir how you're doing that without a wand and without an incantation?"

"It is strange that it is all black, Sooty owls also have white in there feathers?" Luke made it a question, not wanting to explain or give any answer to reveal his identity.

"It is a rare one, but she will be terminated for she is crazed and can not be controlled." He answered, sidetracked from his previous question.

"I will buy her." Luke said simply, lowering his arm, bringing the shrieking owl with him.

"Well?" Luke added as the shopkeepers and customers just stared.


Immediately two of the shopkeepers rushed towards the owl with dragon hide gloves on, grabbing the mad owl and forcefully putting it back in it's cage. The head shopkeeper went to the cash register and rung up the sale. Luke paid the amount then left with his new owl in tow.

Once back in his motel room he set the cage on top of the table and sat himself in front of the owl, staring into it's unusually large eyes.

"I know you're not insane and that you can understand me, so don't try to play any games with me alright?" Luke stated as he unlocked the cage and opened the door so the owl could freely exit and enter her cage.

The owl didn't move, she simply stared back into the blood red eye's of the one person who saved her from execution. With a clack of her black beak she made her way out of the cage and onto the table, raising her head up to look at the young male before her. She ruffled her feathers and clacked her beak several times, pausing inbetween long clacks and shorter ones.

He'd watched her bit of communication intently, making sure not to miss a single bit of it. Luke leaned back in his chair, a ghost of a smile tracing his lips as he stared at the Sooty Owl before him.

"NightMoon it is." Luke agreed.

The owl gave a small hoot of agreement.

pc - gary stu, al - animal languages, rating - toxic

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