0050: Voldemort's reserection - Qirenn Blackwing

May 24, 2003 22:43

This will be a short entry, because I am quite dying of humidity and cannot think about anything except slurpees and ice cubes and ice cream and cold showers and fans and...

TITLE: Voldemort's reserection

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)
Read more... )

rating - toxic, pc - child genius, ap - purrfection of ones pursuits, 0 - wank, bp - dark mark, pc - relationship sue, b - unknown eye color, b - unknown hair color

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Comments 80

almostpretty May 24 2003, 21:36:27 UTC
Her parents were aurora's, so she was naturally ordered to kill them. this was a horrific thing for a 6 year old to have to do,and she hated to recall the memories.
oh goodness gracious...


deliciouspear May 24 2003, 23:20:05 UTC
Oh goodness.

This is why I'm glad I didn't make it past the title.

Also, I LOVE your icon.



clairederbar May 31 2003, 11:37:19 UTC
And I love YOUR icon!


deliciouspear May 31 2003, 12:21:59 UTC
Feel free to steal it!

I'm all about sharin the love.



ren_sama May 24 2003, 22:17:48 UTC
This would be impossible even if ten-year-olds were allowed to enroll at Hogwarts. She'd have to have gotten the Dark Mark over at least a year before her own birth.

I can't get over the title, either. >XD


Ah, excuse the lurker, but... codfishbunny May 25 2003, 07:09:01 UTC
Hermione was ten when she started Hogwarts. Then again, she's an uber-genius, so hey, whatever.


Re: Ah, excuse the lurker, but... iczer6 May 25 2003, 08:00:48 UTC
>>Hermione was ten when she started Hogwarts. Then again, she's an uber-genius, so hey, whatever.>>

Where did you hear that?

I'm pretty sure Hermione started the school year at age eleven just like all the other first years.



Re: Ah, excuse the lurker, but... codfishbunny May 25 2003, 15:55:12 UTC
Here. Have fun!


deliciouspear May 24 2003, 23:12:15 UTC
Didn't even get past the freakin TITLE.



ren_sama May 24 2003, 23:18:00 UTC
You icon just nearly made me spew Dr. Pepper all over the keyboard. I'd better quit while I'm ahead....


ren_sama May 24 2003, 23:18:50 UTC
Your icon. Never mind, I'm quitting *now!*


deliciouspear May 24 2003, 23:21:14 UTC
Dr.Pepper's first name was Dwayne.

So hey - it could have been worse.

You could have sprayed Dwayne all over your keyboard.


ps. Thanks! *grin*


theweasleytwins May 25 2003, 00:04:56 UTC
A six year old against two full grown, trained Aurors? Oh lord this REEKS. It reeks of Sue. I'm considering posting a Sue created by someone I know, who's a Voldemort daughter.


donna_c_punk May 25 2003, 00:13:04 UTC
No no! Not Aurors - AURORA'S! You know! That wimpy princess chick from Sleeping Beauty?


theweasleytwins May 25 2003, 00:26:44 UTC
Oh, pardon me. AURORA'S. I wonder if Miss Sue made her parents prick their fingers on spinning wheels.

"I cast spinniuswheelcus!"


deliciouspear May 31 2003, 12:36:41 UTC

And all this time I thought she'd conquered the northern lights.

And I was sooooooooo impreeeeessssed.




donna_c_punk May 25 2003, 00:12:25 UTC

that is all.


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