You know, I'm hate to admit it, but from that sample I actually like the story so far. Granted more of it could be worse, but as Sue's go (and honestly from this I'm not sure I'd even call her a Sue just yet) she's pretty mild. Her command of language is good and I had to snork over the "Is that a nice way of saying he's gay?" line, even if her dad's being named Prospero sent a cold chill down my spine, and not a good one.
>Did anybody else misread the title as 'The Pen of Tentacles'? Does anybody else find the fact that it can be misread as such fucking hysterical? Or am I just a sick little weirdo?
Did anybody else misread the title as 'The Pen of Tentacles'? Does anybody else find the fact that it can be misread as such fucking hysterical? Or am I just a sick little weirdo?
I'm really glad to find that I'm not the only one. *sighs in relief* While the "Ten of Pentacles" is, as far as I know, a valid tarot card, it does have very unfortunate spoonerism qualities.
That said - I have to agree with what was said earlier. Based on what's above, this one isn't too bad at all.
I was so horrified at the idea of HP Hentai that I almost passed out. Luckily I had a fork nearby to stab myself in the leg with. That pain, however, does not compare to the pain caused by this story.
Did this author just pick a random card to name her story after? Because the Ten of Penticles (tee hee, Pen of Tenticles...) is the card also known as "Lord of Wealth." So far it seems like little miss Sue-Sees-Stuff is a little lacking in the wealth department... ah, well. c'est la vie, as they say in France. ^__^
Comments 10
HAH! I knew I wasn't alone! XD
I'm really glad to find that I'm not the only one. *sighs in relief* While the "Ten of Pentacles" is, as far as I know, a valid tarot card, it does have very unfortunate spoonerism qualities.
That said - I have to agree with what was said earlier. Based on what's above, this one isn't too bad at all.
Jen / Quoth the Raven
'The Pen of Tentacles'?
I was so horrified at the idea of HP Hentai that I almost passed out. Luckily I had a fork nearby to stab myself in the leg with. That pain, however, does not compare to the pain caused by this story.
ah, well. c'est la vie, as they say in France. ^__^
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