0343: In More Ways Than One - Bronwen/Lily Potter

Mar 13, 2004 20:36

This one's... different.

TITLE: In More Ways Than One
PERPETRATOR: Sinical-Sarchasm


FULL NAME: Bronwen, AKA Lily Potter
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: I would assume it's auburn. 'Her beautiful hair fell elegantly down her shoulders'
EYES: I guess green. 'she had eyes which seemed to sparkle all the time'
MARKINGS: none mentioned
POSESSIONS: none mentioned

ORIGIN: She starts off as a standard Mysterious Transfer Student who Falls In Love With Harry. Then it's revealed that she's actually Lily Potter, brought back from the dead by a necromancy spell performed by Ginny Weasley (this is pulled right out of the story's ass - there is NO foreshadowing beyond 'this girl has a Big Secret). She dissolves after telling him who she is.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: is Lily Potter temporarily reincarnated. Has possibly not totally platonic relationship with Harry.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: none mentioned.

NOTES: This one was shaping up a simple 'bad' until we got to the Surprise Twist™. Then it dropped into 'toxic' on sheer squick factor. I must admit, this is the first time a Sue Author's 'Surprise Twist' actually did surprise me, but I wouldn't say it did so in a good way - it might be some peoples' thing, but I find romanticization of incest utterly disgusting, and this in particular is just... I mean, her parting words are that she'll always love Harry 'in more ways than one'.

Pass the bleach, please.


A.N.: I know I haven't written anything for...what...maybe about three months? Four months? Too many months? Anyway, I finally got around to writing something: this author's note! No, really, please read the story!
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns everything you recognize from the books. I own the other stuff, including the plot (but who would want to own the plot?).

The girl sat in the Gryffindor commonroom that chilly November day, and couldn't help but feel astonished at how the place really looked. Now that she thought of it, she didn't really know what she thought it would look like: a place with lions and griffins dancing around? A room chock full of Dumbledores? Of Weasleys?

No, certainly none of these -- but they (they being the Slytherins) would never have thought it looked so ordinary, so welcoming, as this. But then, the Slytherins had many misconceptions of all things Gryffindor.

She forced herself to divert herself to the matter at hand: Harry. It was he, not the room, that was of utmost importance to her. It took her little time to see him. He was seated next to a boy unmistakably the son of Arthur Weasley, and a girl, with dark brown hair and chestnut eyes, reading a large book.

Slowly she walked up to him. "Hello, are you...Harry?"

He looked swiftly up at her and found himself looking at the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, not excepting Cho and Fleur and Padma and Parvati. Her beautiful hair fell elegantly down her shoulders, and she had eyes which seemed to sparkle all the time. There seemed to be a charm about her -- not that artificial, put-on charm, but a simple yet extraordinary natural one. His voice faltering he said,"H-hello. What--what's your name?" Seconds later he chided himself for saying such a stupid thing -- not a way, he realized, to win a beautiful girl's heart. Not that he'd had much hope to begin with anyway.

She thought swiftly. Half of her wanted to blurt out the truth, but the other half kept quiet, wanting to know Harry as any friend, any peer, would know him, not be treated the way she knew Harry would if he knew. "I'm...Bronwen. From a transfer school." She spoke the first name which came to her mind.

The brown-haired girl looked up from her book. "Oh, hello Bronwen, nice to meet you. I'm Hermione Granger. What school do you come from?"

"You...wouldn't have heard about it, I'm sure," the girl (whom from now on we shall call Bronwen) said, "It's a very small and quite new school."

"Oh, I'm sure I have; I was only reading An Appraisal of Magical Education, Edition III a few days ago," Hermione replied amiably.

"No, really, it was only founded extremely recently," Bronwen answered as she wondered why anyone would ever read such a dull book as An Appraisal of Magical Education, "It wouldn't even be in Edition III."

"Really?" said Hermione, "But where is it? What's it called? Are there houses, like at Hogwarts? Who founded it? When --"

"Oh, just lay off of her, Hermi," Ron said with a slight groan. "She just came and you're already quizzing her on her school." He turned to Bronwen and smiled. "Hi, I'm Ron. Hermione over there is the school brain, Head Girl, et cetera, et cetera." When Hermione gave him a slightly hurt look, so he kissed her cheek (causing Hermione to blush a little) and said, "And my girlfriend too." Bronwen giggled a little.

"So you're in Gryffindor?" Harry said. It was a rhetorical question, in fact, more of a statement than a question. "What year are you in?"

What year was she in? Bronwen had absolutely no idea. She looked for a sign, any sign, about what year she had been brought into. Finally she realized she was wearing an amethyst ring, that which He had given her in her seventh year. "In my seventh year, " she answered after a moments pause.

"Oh! So you'd be in our classes. Which elective classes did you take at your old school?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Um..." Bronwen searched her mind for which classes she was taking before. These circumstances could make one a bit forgetful. After a bit she remembered. "Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures."

"Oh! Then shouldn't you be hurrying off to Arithmancy now? Here, I'll come with you, I have it now too," Hermione said. So the two hurried off through the portrait hole.

"Well, I suppose we ought to be going off to divination now," said Harry with a slight groan, and the two set off together.

rating - toxic, sue - lily potter

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