25 Days of Draco and Harry

Dec 02, 2018 20:20

Origin: slythindor100
Link: Announcement and rules
Type of challenge: Prompt set
25 Days of Draco and Harry - Traditional
A photo prompt is posted every day starting on Dec 1 and you write a drabble/ficlet/fic/novel based on that prompt and post before the next day's prompt goes up. Each of your posts can be part of a larger fic or it can stand alone. Everyone who completes this challenge will be entered in a drawing to win a prize.
25 Days of Draco and Harry - Early Bird
You receive early access access to all 25 photo prompts. You will still post 1 fic or portion of a fic each day in December.
Ratings restrictions: None given
Length restrictions: Minimum 100 words per prompt
Daily prompts posted 1 - 24 December 2016

character: harry potter, character: draco malfoy, comm: slythindor100, type: prompt, !mod post, genre: slash

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