Secret Snarry Swap 2018

Aug 26, 2018 17:43

Origin: snape_potter
Link: Here
Type of challenge: Anonymous prompting fest
Description: Anyone may submit up to 3 Severus/Harry prompts with no obligation to create. Anyone may then make a claim for 2 prompts, of which you will be assigned one. First come, first served.
Ratings restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length restrictions: Minimum 1000 words, no maximum
Submission of prompts: August 21-September 1
Claiming of prompts: September 4-23
When can I start?: As soon as the mods have confirmed your prompt
Creations are due: November 18, 2018
Posting starts: December 1, 2018

character: harry potter, comm: snape_potter, character: severus snape, type: prompt and claim

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