HD Erised 2018

Jul 29, 2018 21:15

Origin: hd_erised
Link: Rules and Guidelines
Type of challenge: Anonymous exchange
Description: Harry/Draco fanwork exchange. There will be a cap of 35 authors (unlimited slots for artists).
Ratings restrictions: All ratings allowed
Length restrictions: Minimum 2,500 words
Sign-ups open: August 3 (9AM EDT | 2PM BST)
Sign-ups close: August 9 (6PM EDT | 11PM BST)
Assignments will be sent out: August 12
Check-in: September 17
Fic and Art due: November 12
Posting starts: December 1
Big Reveal: January 7

hd_erised is a Harry/Draco exchange fest
Rules and Guidelines | Pimping Banners
Art by misterwalnut | Banner by capitu

comm: hd_erised, character: harry potter, character: draco malfoy, type: exchange, !mod post, genre: slash

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