Thank you so much for mentioning the 'impossibly fantastic orgasm' thing. I find this so-o-o-o (a) annoying (b) peculiar (c) pervy (d) why do it? Just - why do it? I want a fantasy world I can think is real. Maybe I have got some serious problems but not according to the sex books. Read my lips, it ain't like that over here. As soon as the amazingly beautiful and intelligent heroine has, on first sexual encounter with for example, poor old Snape who must be exhausted by now, its bang BANG B!A!N!G! So unsubtle. And I stop reading.
Comments 12
Sorry. I got carried away. Hi! I like this blog.
My peeve is the same as quizzicalsphinx, especially when it's about a prophecy that makes character A fuck character B to save the world.
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