Title: Heroes Aren't Allowed to Fail Author: Kala (lover_of_slash) Rating: G Pairing: None- Harry Gen Warnings: Angst/Questionable sanity Summary: Harry knows that his actions have consequences. Summary: Crossposted to lover_of_slashYou know what happens when you dream. People always end up dying. And they all die because of you- because of your stupid self-righteous attitude
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Title: Iris. Pairing: Harry/Draco. Rating: G. Word Count: 100. Beta: For a drabble? Notes: This was written for potter100. The challenge this week was IrisDraco wrapped his arms around Harry’s neck and gazed at him happily, almost smiling at his tousled hair and his glinting spectacles. The tips of his fingers lightly grazed through the untidy mop
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