Name: Ms. Alyssa Erin Baker
Age: 16
Location: Michigan, a state I would prefer not to call home.
Nicknames, or what you prefer to be called: my friends call me Baker, which I kind of like. Nothing original, though. My internet alias basically everywhere I go has been "thewizardess" since 1999 when I joined a Harry Potter message board, it's stuck ever since. *grin*
About You
Three positive adjectives about yourself: Honest, Loyal, Obedient (sounds like a good dog!)
Three negative adjectives about yourself: Overenthusiastic, Passionate (to a degree of where it is annoying,) ... uhh, "Un-fun" (how my friend told me I acted when compared to all the other more outgoing friends around me, not that I'm shy, I just don't go crazy...)
A few of your likes: Pirates of the Caribbean (obviously,) drawing, having long conversations with friends besides the basic "how are you doing?," reading a good long book, learning new and exciting things, watching thought-provoking movies and curling up in a warm bed on a cold winter night. *smile*
A few of your dislikes: Ignorant people of all shapes and sizes. People who don't respect art in all of its forms, people who take advantage of others, winter lasting for nearly half the year in Michigan, people with no manners or class, people who can't act like civilized people and have to settle debates through yelling. *grumbles*
A few of your pet peeves: People who chew with their mouth open or think that it is acceptable to interrupt someone when they are talking. Also, messy rooms bug me. (I'm not that much of a clean freak but I don't like piles of papers that my mom leaves around!!)
A few of your talents and hobbies (please differentiate between the two):
Talents: I would say I am a talented artist, I enjoy making comics and many people have made me believe that I am quite good. I am really humble so I don't like to think I am an extraordinary talent, but of all the things I have learned to do, I have got more skill in drawing than any other area. I am also a 2nd chair trumpet player in my school's band and I have received several medals for getting 1's at band festivals but I won't feel adequate until I swipe the first chair spot (Next year for sure!)
Hobbies: reading, taking photos, keeping up with the news, talking to friends and that sort of thing. *smile*
Where do you see yourself in ten years (include things like the job you’d like to have, where you’d like to live, if you are married or not, etc): I am taking a special class at school next year for interactive media, which more specifically narrows down into graphic designa and that sort of thing. I would like to combine my two big interests (visual arts and computers) into a stable career. I would LOVE to go to the Chicago Institute of Art for my college, and after that I want my own home somewhere in a place that's not quite the boonies (where I live now) and not quite a bustling metropolis. I hope to be married ten years from now, but I am unsure as to whether or not I want any children, as I have concerns about what the future will be like if the world is overpopulated...
Your motto on life, or how you like to live it: hmm, I guess one of my favorite quotes would have to be "don't cry because it's over... smile because it happened." I have no idea who said it, but I read it a long time ago and since I read it, I have chosen to live life with no regrets. Live today for today, and look to the future. Don't get carried away and live in the future, just keep a cautious eye on the road ahead and avoid blunders that could leave big metaphorical potholes in the road. *grin*
Your three favorite books and why they’re your favorites:
America - the book by Jon Stewart. It's a brilliant piece of satire that effortlessly exposes our country's way of thinking and makes milk come out of your nose while doing it. *grin* And you just have to love how it is made to be like a Social Studies Class book (total nerd alert, I actually signed my name in the spaces in the front cover...)
The Giver by Lois Lowry I read this book in 6th grade and fell in love with it. The story is incredible, and I loved the theme of breaking free throughout it.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - obligatory nerd book addition. I still have the biggest crush on Harry Potter, even after 7 years. *grins and blushes*
Your three favorite movies and why they’re your favorites:
Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - many people I know liked the first installment better, but I was a fan of all the subplots twisting together in the second movie. lots of action, tons of laughs, bits of romance and a little something for everyone.
Superman Returns - I saw this at the theater not too long ago, and I want to be Lois Lane when I grow up. *swoon* (Good God, I sound like a hopeless romantic!)
The Matrix - Strangely enough, I hate sci-fi movies and I hate techno music. But this movie was phenomenal to me. It reminded me of the Giver, perhaps, with the theme of freeing the body and the mind from the huge trap of the Matrix...
Where do you feel most at home?
Either at my actual homes (mom and dad are divorced) or at my friend Chase's house. He is a great friend and I practically live there. Even when we do absolutely nothing but talk, I feel like I am at home, relaxed and at ease. I also feel very comforable in bookstores and libraries, something about shelves with books is very cozy-feeling. (Maybe hospitals should add a few bookcases to subtract from the cold feeling!)
Pirates Related
Why do you like Pirates of the Caribbean?:
It's the ideal movie: All age groups love it, and people who like all movie genres can have something to love: action, romance, comedy, and a little bit of everything else in between.
Who’s your favorite character and why? (This does not mean who you feel you’re most like): My favorite character is Commodore James Norrington. He has the most dimensions of all the characters that you see throughout both movies (the only other totally multidimensional character I think would be Mister Sparrow, of course,) and he is totally loveable. What I find funny is that everyone else seemed to be in love with Scruffy Norrington, while I prefer the clean and polished Norrington from CotBP. What a man!
Who do you feel you are least like in Pirates and why?
Probably Jack Sparrow. He is far more outgoing than I would ever hope to be, and he also seems reckless and careless whereas I care deeply about the things I want in life. He is a total badass and hardcore and neither word is in my description!!!
Miscellaneous Ramblings
Where did you hear about this community?: Hmm, I believe I found a link in someone's profile (can't remember who, though!)
Post at least 3 clear photos of yourself (if you have no pictures, just describe what you look like):
*is embarassed* I'm not America's Next Top Model so try not to scream.
what a goofy photo this is, ignore the girl on the right, that's just Hilary. I need better pictures of myself! *hides*
About as close as I will get to a smile until these blasted braces get pulled off next year: