Title: A Beautiful Sword
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean belongs to Disney.
Characters: Mercer, Beckett, Norrington
Word Count: 3,057
Spoilers: The first two movies
Pairing: Hints at one-sided Norrington/Liz.
Summary: Getting your life back is never as simple as a single act. There are hard questions, and even harder answers -- especially when two very different men both want power, and must use and rely on each other to get it.
Author's note: ...This isn't finished, and won't be. It's dredged up from the archives of my memory stick, written over a year ago, and I decided to post it here for posterity. ...Yay?
“The heart,” said Norrington, “of Davy Jones.”
Cutler had to see it. He had to see it before he would believe it. Still, he forced his eager fingers not to grab and fumble, not wanting to reveal what an ace it was that Norrington had played.
Chapter 1 ) (
Chapter 2 )