corrielle's final suggestion, use this post to give your initial, 100-words-or-less gut reactions to "On Stranger Tides." It's early in the day here, but I'm sure elsewhere, people have seen the movie, and several more are likely going at midnight. NEEDLESS TO SAY, THESE COMMENTS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS.
If you're not sure how to sum up 100 words or less, here are some questions that may help narrow your focus from the whole explosive movie:
1. Captain Jack: Better or worse than the first three?
2. Loved it! Hated it! Changed my mind ten times on the way home from the theater! Tomorrow, I'm calling my broker and adding to/selling all my stock in Disney!
3. Damn, I missed (fill in the blank) in this one!
4. Barbossa is a total (fill in the blank)!
5. Come back, Angelica! (Or stay out of the next movie!?)
6. Mermaids: You know them; you recognize them; if you're a Lit major, you know to fear them. Gut reaction?
7. For a new character, (pick your own) really impressed me!
8. Go stand in line now for (fill in blank)!
9. Ugh. Save your money. You don't want (fill in blank).
If you would like to post a fuller review later, or link to your own LJ review of the movie, we welcome that too, of course!