me being annoying

Mar 09, 2010 01:51

Sitting here watching the new episode of "Gossip Girl", back from hiatus. It's only about 20 mins in and my eyes have already rolled out of their head in onto the floor. God, I totally did not miss this show. It's a shame. It's used to be so good. Pity.

Haha. Now that commercial for "Remember Me" is on for the 1000th time. I swear I cannot take Robert Pattinson seriously ever in my life. I don't care what the film is about, all I see are sparkly vampires and his dramatic prairie dog face. Lol forever.

Anyway, I was watching the new episode of "How I Met Your Mother" the other day and it was about how everyone always has that person that you allow to pine after you, even when you know for a fact that you will never dare them. Basically, you lead them on for your own ego-boosting amusement. For some reason, this made me think if Sam. Last I heard from him was right after our 2nd date/hangout. He texted me to hang out that following weekend, but I told him that I was going to be out of town in Albuquerque. Which was true. You know I've already made my mind about him, so I was pleasantly suprised when all this ended quietly and unawkwardly when I never heard from him again. It was today that I noticed that he has also deleted me from his Facebook, lol. Why, I wonder?

...Meh. *shrug*

So, how long have I been going to the gym, now? I've been a little frustraited lately because acording to Mr. Scale, I've barely loss 2 or 3 lbs whereas Carly and Annie have lost about 20 each. I know they both have different body types than I and may have more to lose than I, but still. Carly, bless,  has been trying to tell me that I am just simply gaining a ton of muscle. It wasn't until today that I actually looked in the mirror and saw a difference. My legs looks AMAZING. To make things better, I can now last an entire Zumba class without looking like a retard on Ritilin. I've noticed huge improvements on my endurance, stamina, strength, and all that good shit. Today was a good day.   

tv, gossip girl

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