Hello my fellow Cannabis lovers! Today we re-upped, and it was with a new guy. He gave us a 35g oz of some Grapefruit! How sweet is that? We ran dry two days ago, and today we got the hook up
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This is kind of a funny story. I got so baked I had to have my friend drive and ended up passing out in the passengers seat of the truck. He left the lights off and ended up getting pulled over by a cop. He asked if everything is alright because he thought I was crying (in reality, freaking out, eyes BLOODSHOT RED) he let us go and told my friend to get me home and to bed because he thought I was over tired.
He let us go! It was hard to imagine how he didn't smell it on us. Maybe he did and just let us go, idk. But we were laughing about it all night. :)
That's so funny! One time we just got done burning one and my wife was doing 40 in a 25. This cop JUMPS out into the street, and insisted we pull over right away. The piglet walked to her window and looks at me and goes "WHERE IS YOUR SEATBELT, AND WHY ISN'T IT ON?!?! I was so baked I didn't know what to say, but somehow I said "We just came from the bank sir, and I was putting it on as you jumped into the street. We ended up talking to the guy, and he eventually let us go.
me and my friends just blazed in the car and the song we were listening to suddenly had police sirens. my friend driving FREAKED and started swerving and pulling over, while i'm in the back yelling --
then there was silence. and we all laughed. haha
also im watching south park, the one about the giant guinea pigs. it's fucking hilarious
lol dude, I'm a hip hop producer, and I know all about the police sirens in the music. We were at an intersection and I kept hearing sirens and I was like freaking out trying to find them. I kept thinking I was becoming a schitzo. It was freaking me the fuck out until I turned down the radio from my over fear of craziness lol.
Lovely pictures, those flowers look beautiful. Nice plants too, damn.
One time me and my friends baked special brownies and we ate them too fast which probably wasn't a good idea. We were just chillin' in my friends room when suddenly one of my friends comes in freaking out saying that the oven had been turned on for too long and we were all gonna die if we stayed inside the house, then he kept saying that he was about to have a heart attack. LOL it was so funny he was so freaked out and nobody listened to him so he just went outside by himself and he went back inside after around 30 minutes.
Lmao I don't know if it's because I'm stoned, but that made me laugh my ass off. I could picture someone freaking out, but no one paying him attention. lol sometimes when I get too stoned, I'll walk around, or make music, or draw, or do whatever I regularly do I guess, so never mind haha!
Comments 18
This is kind of a funny story. I got so baked I had to have my friend drive and ended up passing out in the passengers seat of the truck. He left the lights off and ended up getting pulled over by a cop. He asked if everything is alright because he thought I was crying (in reality, freaking out, eyes BLOODSHOT RED) he let us go and told my friend to get me home and to bed because he thought I was over tired.
He let us go! It was hard to imagine how he didn't smell it on us. Maybe he did and just let us go, idk. But we were laughing about it all night. :)
me and my friends just blazed in the car and the song we were listening to suddenly had police sirens. my friend driving FREAKED and started swerving and pulling over, while i'm in the back yelling --
then there was silence. and we all laughed. haha
also im watching south park, the one about the giant guinea pigs. it's fucking hilarious
I'd love it if some random person told me that.
Nice plants too, damn.
One time me and my friends baked special brownies and we ate them too fast which probably wasn't a good idea. We were just chillin' in my friends room when suddenly one of my friends comes in freaking out saying that the oven had been turned on for too long and we were all gonna die if we stayed inside the house, then he kept saying that he was about to have a heart attack. LOL it was so funny he was so freaked out and nobody listened to him so he just went outside by himself and he went back inside after around 30 minutes.
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