WHO: Tony Stark and...Tony Stark
WHAT: Tiny Tony and Big Tony! Brothers in Arms! Geniuses side by side!
WHERE: Tony's Top sekrit LAAAAAB
WHEN: Today in the afternoonish?
WARNINGS: Uh. None. That's preposterous!
SUMMARY: Tiny Tony wants to see the lab, and Tony is ok with gloating about his awesome
This is not going to go well... )
Comments 6
Not that he hadn't already acknowledged all of that, but this was official. Like cutting the red tape on an entire messed-up dimension.
And he had a goldfish bowl in his backpack. It had seemed like a great idea at the time. With a quiet, preparatory huff and a roll of his shoulders, Tony rapped on one of the doors.
"Anyone home?"
"Come on in," he called from inside. His younger, alternate self was already safe enough on the premises. If he needed his hand held down a hallway and stairs...well.
Then they weren't the same.
And blinked up at himself.
Yeah, he still wasn't entirely over the beard.
"Okay," he said, in lieu of an actual greeting as he held out a hand, "It's been a couple of seconds and this is already weird."
"Okay, weird staring aside, this is the lab. Cars to the right, tools to the back, supplies in the storage closet," he explained, pointing one, two three. The flooring of the lab was segmented, and the panels on the walls looked like they could swing open. Good luck getting that one to open up, little guy.
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