
Jun 09, 2011 22:23

Okay I have 3 suggestions for the democrats.
1. Keep it in your pants for pity's sake. Show a little discipline.
2. Get a tutorial about your privacy and the Internet, as in mutually exclusive concepts.
3. When the republicans also show their lack of sense, fucking call them on it. Loudly. Their hypocrisy alone should be getting you votes.

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Comments 9

fenderlove June 10 2011, 09:51:37 UTC
3a. If you are confronted with a Republican who you know helped a fellow Republican try to get ahead of his own abuse-of-power/really disturbing sex scandal by forwarding emails to him, never EVER let him forgot it... especially when he's espousing "family values."


postholedigger June 11 2011, 03:36:06 UTC
Sing it, Sister.


fenderlove June 11 2011, 03:50:34 UTC
You know, I fully understand why people are angry with Congressman Wiener's epic Internet stupidity, but I cannot understand why those who are calling for Wiener's resignation aren't equally upset or calling for the resignations of all the other politicians who are still in office for all manner of offenses and ethics violations. Oh, politics.


tabaqui June 10 2011, 21:55:42 UTC
Gods help us, i am so incredibly *baffled* by seemingly intelligent adults who cannot grasp the concept that you are *never* anonymous on the internet. I mean, seriously? Wtf, people.


postholedigger June 11 2011, 03:35:26 UTC
I know. The stupid is of Darwin award levels, isn't it?


strangerian June 11 2011, 02:18:31 UTC
Is this about Wiener? (And could there *be* a more unfortunate name under these circumstances?) If so, there's something a bit refreshing about, as I understand it, broadcasting slightly lewd pictures, vs Republican sex scandals that often seem to involve underage partners or bathroom assignations. Or extremely concrete adultery.

However, it does show a shocking lack of understanding of the internet. While I have an argument all ready here about politicians' jobs being about governing rather than appearances, sadly this is not true in practice.


postholedigger June 11 2011, 03:34:09 UTC
I just can't get past the stupid. erk.


sparrow2000 October 20 2012, 00:31:51 UTC
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday my dear. I hope you've had a lovely day and that you have many more. Thank you for being such a wonderful reader and supporter and generally brilliant person.

much love
s xx


postholedigger October 20 2012, 04:15:05 UTC
Thank you so much! It was one of those 10 years (60! for heavens sake. How did that happen?) and I had a lovely dinner with the husband.
love ya back


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