RP: Playing in the dark...room

Jul 29, 2009 13:25

Characters: Dennis Creevey
Location: Creevey Creamery and Dairy
Date: July 29, 2000
Status/Warning: Private/Swearing
Summary: Dennis attempts to develop film
Completion: Complete

It was after supper and the evening chores were finished. Since Dennis was at the Reserve the next day, he knew he could stay up a little later than usual. He had been wanting to try working in Colin's dark room since Orla last came to visit; he sent her a muggle version the photo of the two of them until he could figure out the wizarding way. Plus, if he ruined the negative, he’d still have a hard copy to look at.

Taking the stairs down into the basement, Dennis looked around the room. The small windows were covered in two layers black fabric so light wouldn’t get in. A drying line hung over a feed trough that wasn't in use which was next to a long table with trays each with various liquids in them. Everything he saw was also red due to the colored bulb in the overhead light.

Dennis carried the negatives down to the basement with him as he crossed to the long table. On the edge towards the back of the table sat an old parchment book. It was dusty from neglect, but he knew it was Colin's idea book. His older brother used to write down the scenes he captured or ones he wanted to. Upon hearing he had been petrified, he was disappoint to have not gotten a photo of the beast; a basilisk is the first item on his idea list.

There were also instructions on how to make a contact sheet. Since he took the film to the muggle photo store, the film was already developed so he could skip that step. Dennis removed the book from its place and flipped through the pages until he found the instructions. Groaning at page, he muttered, "Bloody lefty. No one could read this for shite."

Squinting his eyes, he attempted to make at the words and phrases. He read them several times before putting the book down. He collected the trays and washed and dried them out before putting them back in order. Crossing over to the negatives, he slid one into the enlarger. After adjusting the height so the photo would fill up the entire 8 by 10 paper.

Glancing back at the book, Dennis squinted. Mark height. After he noted the height with a marker on the back of his hand, he then took a regular sheet of paper, placed it on a cleared section of the table, He made adjustments to the focus until the photo was clear.

Now the tricky part. From what Dennis could determined, he needed expose the negative to light to get the print on the paper from there he needed to development potions and the correct words to the spells in order for it to work. However, Colin's handwriting was so awful; he couldn’t make out the potion and charm combination with absolute certainty.

Taking a deep breath, he filled up the three trays, using the bottles of the same color as the trays before replacing the regular paper with the photo paper. He exposed the negative to the photo paper then walked the paper through the trays, whispering the spells as he went. First developer for two minutes, lift and remove run off before sliding it into stop wash for 30 seconds. Stumbling over the words for that part, he used tongs to lift the photo out and place it into the fixer.

The process was quick, but the photo wasn't right; it was blurry and the niether he or Orla were moving. "Way to go, Creevey." He hung the print up to dry and began the process again. I am bound to get it right after a few dozen tries, right?

2000 07, place: creevey creamery, complete, dennis creevey

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