Characters: Melinda Bobbin, other Hufflepuffs, anyone else
Location: The Three Broomsticks
Date: June 8, 2000
Status/Warning: OPEN/TBA
Summary: It's Mel's birthday and she's celebrating
Completion: In progress
Melinda managed to work it out with Ian to have her birthday off, although she didn't outright ask for the day off, she merely mentioned it and Ian told her not to come in. She spent the morning, sleeping in, playing on her drums and just messing around in general.
Since it was her birthday she decided on supper out and drinks at the 3Bs. Plus, if Mandy showed up, she thought perhaps the two of them could corner Rosie into letting them play. That was, once Restricted Section was ready. Using her wand, she apparated herself to Hogsmeade and skipped/danced her way down the street into the pub, where she ordered a butterbeer and took one of the larger tables in the back.