Characters: Cho Chang, Li Mei Chang and William(NPCs). Not to mention Percy Weasley.
Date: 2nd of February, 2000.
Location: The flat.
Summary: Cousins, babies, and a lot of why.
Status/Warning: Closed[ish].
Completion: Incomplete.
Today there was a new knock.
Not heavy or imposing, like father's -- not strangely distinctive, like Anthony's. Not the landlord's. Not a stranger's. It was odd... She was sure she knew the hand behind it, almost as well as she knew the inside of the door, the keyhole, the constellation of charms surrounding it. Or: the red paper level with the lock, begging spirits take leave with gold filigree. If that didn't suffice: the lion seal underneath -- in place of a statue -- because someone figured out too late that there's no such thing as excessive precaution.
But maybe I'm psychic, too, Cho mused, dragging her feet. Maybe I can see the future in knuckles. Her steps fell behind the knock as it grew more insistent, and when it seemed just at its peak the door was opened.
"Qiu-Cho, Cho Chang, little sister how-you-doin'?"
"Oh god," was the sputtering response, and a stagger or two backward from the door; it was almost like the wall of noise that had accompanied her father during his visit, but it was far smaller, far more friendly, and definitely more welcome. (...When the shock wore off, understandably.)
Here was someone she hadn't seen in months. And that someone was saying:
"Come on baby, give me sign. Why you staring?"
But for a moment that was all Cho could really manage. She stood stock still, hands over mouth, and laughed flightily: her visitor looked the same, thin and longhaired -- with a wet pout of a mouth -- but something was... Different. Her eyebrows were up as always, hands in pockets; the look in her eyes perpetuated vague disinterest, the general Chang attitude. All in all, they were certainly related. The accent helped -- trouble with grammar meant she could be placed in Shenzhen. But the odd flip to the vowels? Definitely English.
Also: nice shoes.
"...Li Mei?" Cho ventured finally. "I haven't seen you since... Since a Christmas ago."
"High five!"
"W-wait." Squint. "Hold on."
Maneuvering was done to avoid the outstretched palm, and it became all too clear what was different about this scene.
Li Mei was wearing a very odd backpack... Harness... Contraption. In all the summers Cho had spent with her cousin, she could not remember ever seeing such a thing, even during their attempts to hike -- usually ending in going home half an hour later -- or the odd day trip down to the lake. Away from the summer cottage, Li Mei was obnoxiously chic. Such a backpack, wrinkling the fabric of her coat, was not appropriate.
Whatever was in the harness was making noise. It was... gurgling.
There would have been a third, but after a long and awkward moment Li Mei was craning to look at Cho, patting her on the shoulder, and looking very disgruntled. "Why you staring?" She repeated. "It's me. You never say come by and visit, so... I in the neighborhood, why not?"
"I never gave you my address," Cho managed, taking another step back. Somehow -- perhaps a bit unfairly -- it occurred to her that it was very important to make sure her cousin didn't enter the apartment. As it was, the girl seemed unable to keep her eyes from wandering; she never quite met Cho's eyes, and instead seemed to be trying her best to see inside.
"Your father say it okay."
"Oh, right." Of course. You're a spy.
They were quiet for a moment, watching each other. Neither moved. Then, as though a flip had been switched, Li Mei grinned -- a sudden, feral thing -- and jostled Cho somewhat in an attempt to look over her shoulder. "So who the man, who taking care of you?"
"Um." Pause, in which taking care was processed. "You wouldn't... You wouldn't know him, I don't think. His name is Percy Weasley. ... But you know that, don't you?"
"What he like? He got money? He tall? White guy?"
"Yes, I suppose you could describe him as such. If you really wanted to."
"How white? How white a guy?"
Cho blinked. "Um. He's a ginger. Also, freckles."
"Damn. Well -- sexy? He cute?"
"He's very cute!"
"But ... Sexy?"
"He is aesthetically pleasing."
"... Sexy?"
"That is entirely subjective."
"Yes. My boyfriend is sexy." Why are we talking in English? To hell with everything.
Li Mei gestured, raising an eyebrow. "He home? I wanna see."
"No," spat Cho, having had entirely enough. "No, he's not. Sorry." Thank God! A thought occurred to her, and she pouted somewhat. "But... don't you want to see me?"
"Maybe sometime later," Li Mei shrugged. "If you gonna be that way."
Her English was horribly grating.
"Sometime? Jie-jiee," A pet name slipped out, with a somewhat mincing smile. "I've missed you."
It wasn't completely an exaggeration; she and her cousin had always a very good if not tenuous relationship, and the summer house tied them. At best they were like sisters, and at worse pen-pals -- it was just odd, sometimes, considering how very different their interests and personalities actually were. Thankfully the distance made this a vague realization, when it arrived; usually by the time it became a factor they were (happily) apart again.
And not hiding odd bundles behind their backs. Cho had nearly forgotten, in the exchange -- but there was that noise again. That odd... Gurgle. Of course, in the back of her mind she was certain what it was, but... The idea was disturbing, at best. At worst... ?
"I miss you too," Li Mei said, reaching forward to stroke Cho's hair. "My sister. Uncle Jun say we have a nice surprise coming?"
Cho furrowed her brow quizzically. "I certainly hope not. Dad's idea of a nice surprise is tricking me into blind dates."
They regarded eachother strangely for a moment, Li Mei stiffening, and then -- thankfully -- the girl laughed. Cho took the opportunity to lean forward even further, and then --
"What you want, chikadee?"
"Um -- Li li -- I really have to ask. That's not... That's not yours, is it?"
"What not mine?" Li Mei jostled the straps of the backpack, adjusting the weight of--
"The baby," Cho said quickly. "On your back."
"Oh, this thing?" The girl turned, revealing several small, waving limbs, and a pair of enormous blue eyes: empty in the way only an infant's could be. "This my friend's."
Perhaps Cho softened for an instant, at such a gummy little smile; then she thought about things for a moment longer, and several things occurred to her in a horrific succession. Firstly, Li Mei was being trusted with a child. A living child. With psychology. Secondly --
"It's ... It's strapped to your back like a piece of meat. Like a ... Like a little ham."
"I know, right?"
"Your friend actually wants you to watch it? As in, asked you specifically?"
It wasn't that the girl was irresponsible. Just that -- things didn't always occur to her, sometimes. Cho narrowed her eyes.
"A-ha!" Li Mei gestured as if to say 'eureka', beaming. "Exactly. You get me, Cho-colate. I didn't come here to watch babies! So I thought -- You never tell me come and visit, I in the neighborhood, so on and so forthing -- Thought I kill two birds with one stone --"
Cho's stare went beady. "... What are you saying?"
Li Mei rolled her eyes, and began removing the harness -- which looked much bigger, off -- from her back. "This is William, he five month old, he a baby, got all his baby thing in this bag. I only go shop for an hour -- maybe more hours -- and then I come back, we all good?"
"Excuse me? I'm not your--"
"He has bottle at something thirty. Also, you lookin' hot!"
Here the infant was promptly (and unceremoniously) thrust into her arms, backpack and all. Cho struggled for a moment, and ended in holding him roughly against her chest -- rather like a little ham, actually. By the time the struggle was over and she'd thought of something to say, however, the door had slammed and Li Mei was gone.
Luckily William thought this was very funny. He laughed, cooing, and promptly stuffed a fistful of black hair in his mouth.
After a few minutes of reeling, mind positively blown, Cho did the only thing she could. A stranger had expected her cousin to be responsible -- a cousin who for the most part was, sadly, except when on vacation -- and now she would take care of the loose ends. That was what she did, after all.
It was only for a little while. An afternoon, if luck went on this way.
"Hello, baby," Cho cooed at the top of a round little head. "... Actually, wait. Excuse me! I mean William, of course. This is a strictly professional relationship, but we should be on a first-name basis, you know. For courtesy's sake."
Silence, and baby noises.
"I'm called Cho, but because you are incapable I will make exceptions."
They rocked together in the middle of the kitchen, which was awkward due to his encasings, and she slowly made her way to the living room floor. It was very odd moving through the apartment with such a little body in her arms; and she couldn't say she liked it, of course, but maybe it wasn't so bad. She enjoyed babies when they didn't threaten to ruin her life, after all.
And ...
Hopefully this one wasn't mobile or anything, yet; the plan was to set him on the floor, efficiently saving her hands the trouble. (It really couldn't be said that the flat was baby-proof.) How much could a five month old do, anyway? Also, were they normally so... Calm?
William didn't seem to care about a thing at all, apart from pulling -- and sucking, ewww --at her hair. He also liked kicking his legs once in a while, but that was... Really about it. Even as they haphazardly made their way to the floor, teetering, he seemed entirely nonchalant. It was as if nothing were happening at all.
Safely on the floor, even, he simply lay on his back; Cho watched him scan his surroundings for a moment, and then prodded him gently in the (adorably round) belly. "What's wrong with you, baby? I mean -- William. Don't you like my apartment?"
No response, of course, but he smiled.
And she...
Well, the term would be 'melted', but Cho would never admit to such a thing. She beamed down at him, cooing. "Ooh, you do? Willy-lilly! Willy-lilly! Let's get you out of your spacesuit! Yes!"
(He was wearing a poofy little baby coat.)
But! It was all much more difficult than it seemed. The harness was secure, after all, and the baby wasn't all it carried. When she'd -- awkwardly -- maneuvered him out, mumbling apologies the entire time, it became clear just how much was in the bag.
Holy Merlin.
"You are worse than a girl, William. Look at all these things in your lovely purse," Cho teased. He grasped at the side of it, crying out; but just when she thought it was safe, of course, his attention returned to her hair. This he pulled enthusiastically, and -- of course -- would not let go.
(The strength of little fists was not to be underestimated, apparently.)
"Why are you doing this to me?" She crooned, as he dragged her from side to side. "Why, why? I thought we were friends -- associates--"
In desperation, her hands found the zipper of the bag; she felt around for a moment, hoping to find a toy, something, anything to distract him -- fortunately at that very instant William let out a trilling laugh, kicking violently, and released her.
Cho sat back up, hand at temple, and pouted exaggeratedly down at him. "How rude! Who taught you your manners?" But then she smiled, cooing again, and caught a little hand in her fingers. "Ooo! Little bullyyy. You horrible ruffian! ... Let's see what you carry in your bag."