Title: Swashing Buckles, Righting Wrongs: From the Fabulous Adventures of Captain James Significant Pause Cook, 7/?
possibly_thrice Rating: R.
Pairing: Pike/Kirk.
Summary: Prompted by
st_xi_kink : Kirk never meets Pike or Uhura, and runs off with a broken-heart-crazed McCoy to be a pirate. For a moment, it seems as if there will be an actual plot. Then I reveal that I
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Comments 23
Anyways. In short: Yessss.
In long (and trying not to be ridiculous this time!): Yesssssss. I. This. You. Yay! I have missed your lyrical, whimiscal style of writing, I really have. Nobody else does it quite like you. It continues to remain so beautiful and cheeky and endlessly, endlessly entertaining all at once. It makes me happy. And further draws me in, and such; good writing, as always, makes this thing so much more amazing than I ever could have hoped for and keeps me ridiculously sucked in.
Not including the fact of stuff really, really starting to go down now. Which has me being very happy and all the more sucked in, which would seem to be possible. Like, absolute flailing over what's going to happen next, especially with this leadoff because this is a wonderful cliffhanger and I can't even I want to see more ( ... )
God, your comments. I am a melted puddle of... something, probably inedible, but it oozes prettily! Mmf.
Also HAPPY INCREDIBLY BELATED SLIGHTLY UNWANTED BIRTHDAY, so very sorry because seriously I was VERY CLEAR about wanting to have it done by then, what the hell, self, even clearer than usual! but nooooo it had to wait until a week later when I struck on the idea that I could rewrite Bones and Jim snarking at each otherrrrr.
IN SHORT (which I am a master of. Sometimes. In the ridiculous way): <33333.
And I am always happy to bring in the puddle of goo-inducing, so, you know, you're welcome in that area. <333
I love this Jim's reflections, your cranky Bones never ceases to please, and I am sooooo looking forward to the Spock/Jim confrontation. I'm so glad you updated this.
Thank you! Will try to FINISH it in a more timely fashion, now that the splurge of summer homework and school-beginning and laziness is over (hahahaha good one, I know, right?).
So. Yes. I'll go back to being mildly envious now. And the dissertation, of course. :'D
This is basically the writing style that I try to unleash fully only when writing Star Trek fanfiction, because, like, YES, quirk is fun, but exactly as you say, it's hard to sustain for any extended period of time without blowing a hole in some other element. *winces at the occasional earlier description-pile*
You are always so psychic, is really kind of extraordinarily useful! And also this comment makes me flap my hands a little.
(I may even be in the interesting position of being tempted to offer YOU a puppy).
*pat* I didn't really think you needed to be told any of that, but, you know. Sometimes it's useful.
It is very useful! I require constant confirmation to make sure that I haven't just finally gotten that divorce from reality I keep talking about. So. You know. XD
I'm shaking with how happy I am and how wonderful this is and, and, and I have no words for how great/wonderful you made me feel. You single handedly lifted today from okay to great. Thank you for updating this. You totally made my day.
I'm grinning with how happy you made me. Shit, I adore your characterization to death: Bones, Spock, Prime, Uhura, I love 'em.
This whole entire fic is beau-ti-ful!
She’s not a tall woman, but her posture is perfect, and the exacting, merciless architecture of her spine uplifts her, brings her high and near as the lip of a cliff so that he can feel the cool breath of her shadow falling over him though it isn’t in fact doing any such thing.
Also, I just love the way you turn a phrase. Wow.
Thank you!
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