Ninja pimping

Nov 24, 2008 19:27

This isn't much of a pimp post (especially since I don't even have any music or images uploaded yet), but I hope it's worth something. Still under construction, obviously.


Ninja was a dance unit that debuted in 1990. ... That's all I have to say.


Yanagisawa Susumu
Nickname : Susumu-kun
Born 1967 March 7, blood type B
Hobbies: Golf

The oldest member and leader of Ninja. He was known for his 'cool' image, which only means he was the biggest dork of the group. I cite the image I'll put up later as proof of his dork, as well as this translation.

Endou Naoto
Nickname : En-chan
Born 1969 April 20, blood type O

En-chan is a girl. XD;; For those of you familiar with Kisumai, he reminds me a little of Yokoo and a little of Senga. I like to think he has a crush on Shiga, but I'm weird. In any event, he's a total girl. He also used to be in Otokogumi prior to their debut, but told Johnny he would rather dance than play keyboard.

Shiga Yasunobu
Born 1968 August 3, blood type O

I KNOW A LOT ABOUT THIS GUY. XD As opposed to the very little I know about everyone else. He's seriously adorable. &hearts And his solo is really gay. (That will never not be funny to me.) He's supposedly very mature, but he strikes me as rather childish. Apparently he was often mistaken for a girl in his childhood. He was also the best at kendo in his age group in elementary school. He's the one who said he wanted to be with Ninja forever, yet left in 1994.

Furukawa Eiji
Born 1971 July 11, blood type A

This guy ... has no group love. Zero. Zilch. He joined Shounen Ninja prior to their debut in order to fill the gap created when Nobu-chan left. He was a bit of an odd match for them because he sucked at dancing, and he certainly wasn't expecting to debut. I don't think he felt like he fit in, and I have this image of him as the long-suffering, put-upon member on Ninja (you know there's one in every group). He left in 1994 and is the only member no longer in the entertainment industry. Apparently he holds a regular job (salaryman? XD).

Takagi Nobuhide
Nickname : Nobu-kun
Born 1970 March 11, blood type O

He's the 'brat' / 'spoiled prince' character. I don't really have anything else to say about him. Sorry.

Masaki Shinya
Nickname : Shin-kun
Born 1969 May 29, blood type A

Ninja's lead vocalist! He's the one you hear during the extended solos in Omatsuri Ninja and Ringo Hakusho. Unfortunately, I don't know very much about him. D: He's got a great aura, though. Happy and healing. Once he starts laughing, he can't stop. Apparently he sleeps all day on his days off.

Nakamura Nobutoshi
Nickname : Nobu-chan, KNOB
Born 1970 February 9, blood type A

Nobu-chaaaaaaan~ &hearts He's the guy who was never a part of Ninja; he left Shounen Ninja right before their debut. He's got a lot of personality and he's pretty much my favourite. Currently, he goes by the name KNOB and plays didgeridoo in a band called EARTHRISE. He's married (the only member to do so, I believe), and I have the kanji for his wife's name somewhere on my harddrive, but I'm too lazy to look up how to pronounce them. After leaving Shounen Ninja, he joined a group called CHA-CHA, then released a solo CD under the name NOBU. He's been in two other groups, G-FACTORY and G.L.K.T (Garakuta). He went to Australia when he was twenty-five and fell in love with the didgeridoo, and he's been playing it ever since. He loves Mickey Mouse.


They're not like your typical Johnny's orgies; they don't have any clearly visible "member-ai", be it from magasine shoots or MCs or what-have-you, unless you count Shiga's delusions. What they did have doesn't seem to have weathered all that well, although I could argue in the other direction, too. We have no full cons and only minimal resources, even in Japanese. But just because they weren't physically affectionate doesn't mean they weren't awesome or gay; you just have to look a little deeper.


Omatsuri Ninja! This was their debut song, and the one that first got me hooked a couple of months ago.

Teyandei!! Just because I love it when JE raps, especially the senpai.

Omatsuri Ninja/DO YOUR BEST. Four-person Ninja medley.

DO YOUR BEST. More four-person Ninja. Takagi's arm is in a sling.

Wagamama ni Dakiau no sa. Four-person Ninja, only Takagi's missing from this peformance. Maybe it precedes the one above?

Nagasaki wa Kyou mo Ame datta. Four-person Ninja being dorky while singing some enka song.

Shounen Ninja dancing with some girl.


Working on this. I'll upload the three albums I have shortly.

Johnny's World e Youkoso - This should be the theme song for all of JE. Seriously, how can you not love a group that sings, "HELLO, WE ARE JOHNNY'S, WE SELL OURSELVES"? (Translation here.)

Maitta - This song basically means "fuck, I'm screwed".

B-kyuu Horror Show - C'mon, cheesy lyrics and super cheesy music, where can you go wrong? Vampires (Dracula!) and monsters abound, complete with imitation Psycho strings.

Another Page - Shin's voice is beautiful a;sldkfja

EARTH, WIND & LOVE - Shiga's gay solo! In the middle it sounds like he's singing 'suck my ass' ;askldfas what.

Double Season Story - Just because FuruEiji could actually sing.

Omatsuri Ninja - Debut song! I would be remiss not to provide this, especially since it's not on the albums.

Hayakuchi Boogie - Standard Ninja awesome.


This section is the part that will make me look like the only English-speaking Ninja fan in the world. I'm ... okay with that. So long as it produces other Ninja fans. :D

Ninja tag at tanokin - most (if not all) of these are members-only, so you'll have to join first.
Ninja Sanjyou booklet translation - each member talks about his solo.
Susumu solo event report translation - with Takagi as a surprise guest.
Miscellaneous trivia about the individual members - a lot of it is a repeat of this post, sorry
Ninja lyrics directory - links to all the lyrics I've found / transcribed


Join tanokin. Or friend this journal, which is rapidly becoming senpai-only -- but really, you ought to join tanokin instead. I'll post things there that I won't post here, so you'll be missing out if you friend this journal.

Can you read Japanese? Excellent! You've just been conscripted to help me translate stuff. Or not. I'll provide links to various Japanese resources later. For the meantime, have their Wiki page.

ninja, this is incomplete, dai-senpai, !public, pimp post

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