Title: The Pros And Cons Of Breathing [Part VI/?: I'm Gonna Smile And Not Get Worried]
Author: Sydney Redfield
Fandom: Popular, Dirt, The OC
Pairing: Brooke/Garbo, Brooke/Sam, Sam/Alex
Rating: various depending on the chapter. I'd say mostly PG13/R with the occasional NC17.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Brooke finds someone that reminds her of the girl she loves.
A/N: Sorry this has taken so long. It's been on my hard drive forever, so I don't know why it hasn't been updated. You really don't have to to watch Dirt to understand this. Also, mad props to
grdnofevrythng for being an awesome beta.
Part I |
Part II |
Part III |
Part IV |
Part V ]
I'm Gonna Smile And Not Get Worried )