(no subject)

Aug 31, 2007 08:12

Title: Normal Day

By Jojo: (Jojo_utsa05@yahoo.com)

Fandom: Popular

Pairing: B/S…I feel I should give a fair warning that this will be main pairing I ever write…although beware of a sudden MC and Lilly splash…hey it could happen!!!

Rating: PG unless you have thing against guns…then I guess PG 13

Disclaimer: Yata yata yata, not mine wish it was, would resurrect series and make it way more gay…drool…

Warning: The ideal for this came to me while shaving my legs and drinking Starbucks… Take this one as you want to really…I couldn’t and didn’t really want to think of an ending for it, I just found the dialogue running through my head to be utterly hilarious…Lulz…

Also I should have another chapter of "Theory of The Heart" out by Whensday

Normal Day

Merry Cherry: Hmm I wander if ahh look awright…I see cameras out there with Merry Cherry written all over them…

Lilly: I can’t believe those assholes…look at them, they are covered from head to toe in leather…murderers…I should march over and give them a piece of my mind…”I’m not gonna do anything stupid”…shove it Sam!

Nicole: Well this is just great…I have a fucking mani and pedi scheduled in one hour and if I miss it their will be hell to pay…I should march over and give them a piece of my mind…”I’m not gonna do anything stupid”... shove it Brooke!

Carmen: He’s hott…what? Shut up Carmen! Bad bad time for hormones…he’s hot too…

Harrison: I can’t believe this…wow Brooke looks so calm…oh god she’s looking…ok Harrison here is your chance just get off the floor and kick their asses…oh who am I kidding…is this a pimple…GREAT

Josh: I hear moments like this bring people back together…maybe if I just slide my arm around her and tell it will be alright…now I just have to crawl across the room without being noticed by the lunatics…well fuck that…

Sugar: Stay calm assertive...I can see down Nic’s shirt from here…alright!

Sam: Wow Brooke looks pretty, wait what?

Brooke: Why is Sam looking at me like…her eyes are pretty…wait what!!!

Mike and Jane wrested against the back of the couch flipping through the channels nonchalantly and just settling on the news for background noise…the baby was asleep…and the girls were gone…this was going to lead to a very pleasant…

“OH MY GOD THAT’S THE GIRLS!!!” Jane, almost screamed pushing Mike to the floor.

Mike turned to the T.V. and saw his daughter and soon to be stepdaughter, ducking down behind a counter.

Police surrounded the building, helicopters flew around in circles, and negotiators yelled into megaphones.

The news anchor’s voice explained the situation like she was explaining the weather…

“Apparently seven men walked into the Los Angeles Bank brandishing guns of several different kinds. It has been estimated they are now in possession of over seven-hundred thousand dollars. Inside the building there are for sure ten teenagers on a mini-field trip, as well and forty other people, including customers and bank employees. Sources say the outcome doesn’t look good…In other news Madonna adopte…”

The news lady razzed on to a fainted Jane and a stunned Mike…

“Can’t we just ever have a normal day?” Mike muttered to the heavens…


Take this one as you want to really…I couldn’t and didn’t really want to think of an ending for it, like I said I just found the dialogue running through my head to be utterly hilarious…Lulz…

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