Title: Of High Branches
poptart_chan Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character(s): Prussia and Germany
Pairings: N/A
Summary: He wouldn't trade this kid for the world. [Prussia&Lil!Germany brotherly ficlet]
Notes: Brotherly fluff! I should do this more often, haha.
( Fake Cut ) )
Comments 12
*melts* This is so adorable and sweet. I hope to see more from you soon. :)
It's decided, these two are my absolute favorite siblings in this fandom, EVER! Screw America and Canada! But don't tell them, plz?
I agree, you should do this more often. <3
These two are quite adorable and they hardly get any spotlight. I quite love how their relationship develops later on so it's interesting to explore what they might have been like growing up.
Thank you very much!
Haha, thank you so much! I'm pretty sure these two will return.
it was like 'KYUUUUUN~' &hearts
and it couldn't be more awesome with the awesome brothers in it! >8D
Lol, thank you very much!
Thank you! ^^
I love how you've portrayed their relationship at this stage, they're still just testing the waters of brotherhood. It's perfect. :)
I enjoyed writing them like this, when Ludwig was still little and it was up to Prussia to take care of him. It's fun to play around with the many ideas surrounding them.
Thank you very much!
No problem, I relly enjoyed reading it!
Loved reading this, and the Ludwig/Gilbert relationship is just perfect, it cheered me right up after what was turning out to be a bad day.
Oh, and, um, I think there's a typo here: "If his assumptions were right as to who Ludwig really was, it wouldn’t due any of them any good." You mean do instead of due, right?
Anyway, thank you for posting this!
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