Title: Middle of Nowhere
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They were created by Annie Proulx. I make no money from this and don't want to.
Rating: NC-17 for the whole story
Thanks: To Em (smilesalot) for your fast turnouaround and great help with this chapter, and to Keren for your constant support.
Feedback: Oh yes please!! I appreciate
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Comments 14
Well, have read all three parts, and like how you're wrapping up their summer together. They still have some things to figure out, but they're on the right track.
But... I've been saving your story, and this is the first time that I can't 'copy' and 'paste' it onto my computer. Did you change your formatting? In html instead of rich text? Vice versa? I'd sure appreciate a change so I can save this chapter, too.
Thanks again.
Well, I just figured it out! You made the font color white, so when I copied it, the print was white and I pasted it onto a white piece of paper, so the words disappeared into the background. So, I copied the whole thing, selected "all" of Chapter 19, and changed the font color to default/black and... viola! the words magically appeared. So glad...
Thanks again.
Thanks for commenting...:)
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