For those of you not familiar with my LJ, I'm making my way to 100K comments before my 4th LJ anniversary on July 20th. As I type this I stand at 91,394 comments, so what better way to drive up the comment count while simultaneously bringing people together in a positive manner than by having a FIENDISH FRIENDING FRENZY!!!
I have a great collection of people here on LJ and I think it would be selfish of me to keep them all to myself.
The doors of the church LJ are open, so stop in a set a spell and make a connection.
In addition (because I want the ego stroke), I want all my FOOs (Friends of Orenthal) to tell the world why they are FOOs!!!
popfiend, bringing people together and getting his ego stroked on LJ since 2005. :D
Oh, who am I?
Well, aside from the FOO thing, this is more about you guys connecting, but I can't expect you to play if I don't.
My LJ handle is
popfiend, that's short for Pop Culture Fiend. And that's a part of who I am. I cover most of the basics in
my profile HERE. And there are a few of my more special posts linked there as well.
I am the host of
DRAMA FREE THURSDAY (wherein I try to improve the signal to noise ratio on LJ) and
CASUAL DRESS FRIDAY (where we just talk). I've linked to the appropriate tags and if you want to know more you are welcome to walk around.
I try to keep this place a positive one. I smile a lot. I laugh a lot. And I feel deeply. That's just how I roll. ;-)
Warning: I am the brain dump that walks like a man. I post a lot. My LJ is a place of self-expression. I'm not a writer or a singer or a dancer. My art is myself. I'm don't just post about the stuff inside the lines, I also post the doodles in the margins, the random and fleeting thoughts that make up the rest of the day. It's as much about the in-between as anything else. So you get the brain farts as well as the deep thoughts. Sometimes my mental detritus is even worthwhile.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Now go and make some new friends. :D
Oh, and if you want to SEE the awesomeness that is my f-list, peep
THIS POST I made yesterday.
- O. (aka
P.S. I am also devastatingly handsome and ded sexay, but that's obvious. :D