game #9: drabble tag

Jun 10, 2007 22:51

So, my favorite LJ game is called drabble tag. I'm a little concerned whether it'll work in this community, but I think it's worth a shot, and I encourage you all to participate: it's really fun and the payoff gets bigger the more people play.

Here's how it works: I’ll start this off with a short ficlet. At the end, I’ll have three pairings and prompts. The next person responds to that ficlet with a ficlet of their own that was inspired by one of the prompts - with their own three prompts at the end. Then another person responds to that ficlet with three prompts, and so on. You can also start your own thread if none of the existing prompts are calling to you (but try not to do this a bunch, or no fic will get written!)

Da Rules:
  • All Carly fandoms are fair game, as long as a Carly-character is the subject of the drabble.
  • However, at least 1 of your 3 prompts must be a Popular prompt.
  • Ficlets should be at least 100 words, but no more than 1,000.
  • Slash, het, gen, crossover, and RPF prompts are allowed.
  • You may post response-ficlets as comments to the request comment, or by starting a new thread.
  • Please put the prompt in the subject line.
  • There can be more than one response to each prompt.
  • Feedback is awesome. Do it a lot.
  • Pimp this! Non-comm members can play, too!
  • Have fun!

(If you're confused about the concept, check out cadence_k's Femslash Drabble-a-thon, from which my rules are adapted, here.)

media: fanfiction, comm: games

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