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Comments 10

nuclearxsquid March 28 2010, 06:19:05 UTC
THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! The caps were so well though-out and ohhhhh it made me heart cry.

I know you don't want other people using the caps, but I was wondering if I (with my lack of photoshop) would use the bottom right picture in the 10th set to make an icon. I would credit you, of course. Pretty please?!? I tried making my own screencap, but it was blurry and gross :(


popcultaddict March 28 2010, 06:22:04 UTC
Awww, bb. *pets your heart* Er. Yeah. XD

I'm so glad you like it!

Of course you can my dear! I totally don't mind at all when people ask first. <3

ETA: And omg, I totally feel your pain about the caps for these. They were such a bitch to make, because this vid is particularly ~artsy~ and I was pretty much headdesking all the way. lol.


nuclearxsquid March 28 2010, 07:35:29 UTC
Hehe :D

Yay! :DDD Yeah, I know what you mean. I really liked the style where most shots were half-hidden by someone because it gave me a feeling of looking in on a glimpse of something private and beautiful.

Hmm... Okay, I kind of got carried away and made like 20 icons (And I've only used three sets, haha). They're not anything ~earth shattering~ but would you mind very much if I did an icon post in which I credited you for the caps and very large letters. I'd give you half of my soul. I feel bad asking, but the caps are so pretty.


popcultaddict March 28 2010, 09:17:21 UTC
Ikr! It's all so sweeping and cinematic. 8D

I don't even need half of your soul, JUST YOUR FIRSTBORN AND YOUR UNWAVERING DEVOTION. Haha, but yeah, go for it dude! XD


whocares19_05 March 28 2010, 10:02:28 UTC
GOSH. I never realized just how beautiful this video is.

I love it dude, thank you so much. *admires*


popcultaddict March 29 2010, 09:35:24 UTC
It really is, isn't it? I didn't even really notice myself until I started capping it. I think it's because you're confronted with so many different visuals in one shot that you can't slow down enough to appreciate everything individually.

But yay! I'm glad you like it! <3


xaritomene March 28 2010, 10:08:08 UTC
*beams like woah* duuuuuuude. Duuuuuuuude! Lookit their pretty little faces!

It's not that I objectify them or anything, they're just really fucking pretty. *grin*

Also, man, I love that last shot of Tyson wading through the waves at the end there after the song's ended. I always get this feeling of "guys? Er, guys? No, seriously, guys! A little help he- *splutter* You won't have a band if your frontman drowns!"

Aw, I have so much love for this picspam. :D


popcultaddict March 29 2010, 09:33:03 UTC
Objectification? These boys? Naaw. *g*


I'm always like, "poor bb, someone pull him out! And then Nick can give him CPR!"


poshing March 28 2010, 10:49:53 UTC
this video is beautiful :) and I love your picspam !
thanks for this <333


popcultaddict March 29 2010, 09:31:23 UTC
Isn't it just? :D

And thank you! I'm happy you like it!


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