
Nov 06, 2008 15:22

Here we are lying here
It's our last final goodnight
Just because it feels so good David Archuleta is LYING THERE with someone talking about how GOOD IT FEELS. Excuse me while I rofl all over the place. [/immaturity ( Read more... )

gtfo: uni, ha ha, ~david archuleta

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vna04 November 7 2008, 05:17:51 UTC
cook was totally the inspiration for those lyrics! totally!!
and i love love love your new layout and banner, bb!! so much love for cookleta and wincest! yummmy!!! ^_^


popcultaddict November 7 2008, 08:32:17 UTC
Yes! He was! We know the truth!

Thankyouuuuuuu! Cookleta and Wincest are just...freaking epic.
And really hot. XD


vna04 November 8 2008, 04:12:11 UTC
omg, don't even get me started on the Wincesst & Cookleta possibilities!! ooohhh!! Plot bunny alert!

What if there was a Cookleta/Wincest crossover fic? Like a whatever spirit starts haunting the studio where the davids work and the dean and sam figure it was something they have to go after. and they do their thing research and going undercover at the studio and schnizz then they get introduced to the davids and well, archie is pretty and dean is sorta flirting with him. but cook and sam notices. and sam gives dean hell while cook goes all protective and jealous and OMG, all the effing possibilities! ^o^ *spazzzz*

ok, i'll stop rambling on your LJ now. hehe ^_~ *crosses fingers that you someone will pick this bunny up and cradle it into existence! hehe *batts eyelashes*


popcultaddict November 8 2008, 08:43:30 UTC

I have deliberately stayed away from writing Cookleta this whole time because I've never loved a pairing more than them, and I've been terrified to touch them in terms of fanfic. I've been scared I would butcher it or something (and wouldn't
that be just so tragic? XD).

But, but, but. Then you go and throw out that absolutely hilariously awesome plot bunny and I cannot resist! It shall be a little comment drabble methinks. XD

Not that I know anything about recording studios and facts and whatnot, so it will all be total madeup stuff to suit my plotline. Bahaha, it will be cracktastic.


vna04 November 8 2008, 08:57:13 UTC
YESSS! *does a happy dance and glomps you!* You're finally writing cookleta!!!! I will be looking forward to your fic!! So glad my lil brain hiccup got your muse up and about! awesome! ^_^

oh you so won't butcher it! nothing with our boys (ahem, esp all four of them) in it can ever stink! that is a fact ^_~

ETA: and you're gonna have your own fic tag at the comm too. haha! ^_^


popcultaddict November 8 2008, 13:02:42 UTC
Lol! Your flailiness is making me all giddy. XD

oh you so won't butcher it! nothing with our boys (ahem, esp all four of them) in it can ever stink! that is a fact ^_~
Why thank you! Though I warn you, I'm almost finished (it's about 1800 words), and it's hardly normal, dramatic fanfic. It's actually quite cracky, so I apologize if you were looking forward to something, uh, real. XD

And oh no way, I'm not posting this at Cookleta, it's just a random, self-indulgent, friends only post. ;)


vna04 November 8 2008, 16:50:09 UTC
no, bb, your starting to write cookleta is making me giddy! i bet you're going to write more after this. hehe it gets addicting after your first fic, i tell yah. addicting! whee!! (ok, i think i just sounded high for a second there haha) 1800 words! love it! crastastic fics are always a fun pleasure to read! ^_^

and even if you don't post it at cookleta, i'm sure you have enough cookleta members in your flist who would appreciate love it and join me in trying to convince you to post it at the comm so that teh other members can enjoy it with us! hehe ^_~


popcultaddict November 9 2008, 01:31:15 UTC
LMAO. Bb, you are so persistent. XD

But no, if I really did write a fully fledged Cookleta fic, I promise I would post it in cookleta, but it's just that this is the cracky wincest crossover that you were talking about. I'm literally writing the exact bunny you just gave me. Well, give or take a few details. ;)


vna04 November 9 2008, 21:45:11 UTC
haha! sweet! i can't wait till you post it. ^_^


summer_breeze14 November 8 2008, 17:05:18 UTC
So! Vina told me you are writing Cookleta? I, for one, would love to read what you write, bb.

This was the message she left me: "but i'm still trying to convince her to post it on the comm when she's done 'coz she doesn't want to. haha help me convince her ginaaa!! hehe (the thread is in the Mehehehe post on her journal) help me convince her to post it in the comm!! hehe ^_~ "

Even if you don't post it on Cookleta, I am looking forward to reading it!


popcultaddict November 9 2008, 01:59:57 UTC
Bahahaha, you guys are so crazy, but that's why I love ya. *hugs*

Anyway, as I was saying to Vina, I would normally post it in Cookleta, but I think I might have neglected to mention to her earlier that I'm actually working directly off her plot bunny, which means it's a cracky Wincest/Cookleta fic with hardly enough actual Cookleta to count. ;)

As for you bb, I don't think you even watch Supernatural. XD


alaszyel November 9 2008, 01:30:26 UTC
*squees* Cookleta from you, yay! Must read must read must read.




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