Aug 23, 2005 21:30
"I've never said anything you'll remember when I'm dead, and the water sure is cloudy floating in the bathtub in my head, I was a frieght train, powered by a bike chain, cutting through the driving range, could have been so many things, never did anything sitting here, watching the candles burn, now im an airplane, flying straight for the sun"
Aug 19, 2005 00:49
"i guess i shouldnt feel so bad, and got much reason to feel so sad, cept that im poor untalented and ugly"
Aug 17, 2005 22:26
im sorry i called your girlfriend a slut when she told me she liked it hard in the butt
Aug 17, 2005 00:50
well, that was a big dissapointment
Aug 12, 2005 18:28
it sucks so much when plans get ruined lol.
if anyone wants to hang out before the summer ends
reply with a comment of when we should hang out
and what we can do
have a good rest of the summer ya'll
Jul 08, 2005 10:54
since when do they give a damn? all of a sudden they care....