
Dec 11, 2010 17:12

Open at all times. App cycle will be instated upon obtaing more members.

--- Once your reserve has been accepted, fill out this form and turn it in here. (Via Comments or Link)
----Apps are accepted at the end of every month and will be processed as they come. The latest you will receive your answer is the last day of the month.
--- There are different apps for fandom characters and OCs. OC Characters apps are longer and will be reviewed with stricter regulations.
----OC characters CANNOT be from any fandom. (things like Vocaloid and your own original universe are alright, but no original characters from already story based fandoms)
---only one app at a time please
----If you already play a character here and are apping another character, your activity check grades will come into play.
---To reserve a character please go HERE first
----Please check the Taken Character list FIRST.
---SPELLING AND GRAMMAR COUNT!!!  use english, this will be graded strictly.
----NO LATE APPS. They will be rejected.
⚜Fandom Characters⚜

OOC Information:
Personal LJ:
Characters Already Played @Pomp1774:

IC Information:
Canon: (please provide a link as well as name)
Canon Point:(Where in the fandom is your character taken from)
Appearance: (written description please, picture can be included but must have at least three sentences)
Abilities: (Powers? Magic? Fighting Skills?- please actually write these out and list them neatly. Not everyone knows your fandom or character- also, this will be used to judge just how much your character can do in events.)
Weapons/Items: (What will they be bringing with them? Weapons will be taken from them and placed in the armory and not accessible until certain events)
Personality: (Two - Three Paragraphs please. This lets us know you know your character)
History: (link is acceptable- link must have at least two paragraphs or more, otherwise you'll be forced to write more.)
Roleplay Sample - Log: (Written in third person and past tensed. Any Setting)
Roleplay Sample - Journal: (Written in first person as either video/text/or voice. Must be Versailles Setting.)


⚜OC Characters⚜
-These will be reviewed more strictly then normal fandom characters

OOC Information:
Personal LJ:
Characters Already Played @Pomp1774:

IC Information:
Canon: (at least two paragraphs explaining the universe your character is from)
Appearance: (written description please, picture can be included but must have at least one paragraph)
Abilities: (Powers? Magic? Fighting Skills?- please actually write these out and list them neatly. Not everyone knows your fandom or character- also, this will be used to judge just how much your character can do in events. At least one paragraph)
Weapons/Items: (What will they be bringing with them? Weapons will be taken from them and placed in the armory and not accessible until certain events)
Personality: (Two - Three Paragraphs please. This lets us know you know your character)
History: (three paragraphs or more.)
Roleplay Sample - Log: (Written in third person and past tensed. Any Setting)
Roleplay Sample - Journal: (Written in first person as either video/text/or voice. Must be Versailles Setting.)



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