Tutorial 1: Gerard Butler

Mar 27, 2006 17:23

Alrighty! This is my first attempt at a tutorial, so if I forgot anything please let me know!

Program: PS7
Original Image: here
Final Icon:

Please note, I didn't save my original PSD file, so I am attempting to recreate it. ^^

Step 1: Firstly, we start off with this lovely image of Gerard Butler, courtesy of GerardButler.net

Step 2: I took my original image, here and cropped it to 100x100.

Now you should have something like this...

Step 3: Gerard look a little bit blurry, so I decided to sharpen my image. (Filter->Sharpen->Sharpen)
Gerard should now look like this...

Step 4: !IMPORTANT! Right click your base image, and click on duplicate image. When the box appears in the center of your screen, click the drop down arrow and select new. This will copy your base to a new document.

Step 5: Now, for a tricky part... I used my rectangular marquee tool and selected an area (35x100) to the right where Gerard is holding the camera and deleted that part of the image.
That gave me this...

Step 6: Next, I inserted a new Solid Color Layer (Layer->New Fill Layer->Solid Color). I used #D8CECD, and set my blending options to multiply at 95%.
Now you should have this...

It may look a little funny, but it's okay!

Step 7: Alrighty, now we are going to use the wonderful exclusion layer! *cheers erupt* I inserted a new Solid Color Layer (Layer->New Fill Layer->Solid Color). I used #111A4F, and set my blending options to exclusion at 54%.
He should now look like... this...

Still looks a little funky...

Step 8: Kay, now we need to duplicate layer one (this one) and bring it to the top. Settings should be on darken 100%.
Now we have this!

Looking better! There's no need to worry about the weird colored rectangle on the right, we will take of it later!

Step 9: Duplicate layer one again. Except, this time, set the settings on soft light 65%.
We now have this...

It's looking even better!

Step 10: Okay, remember back in Step 4 when we made a copy of our base? This is where we are going to need it! Use your rectangular marquee tool and select the same area from earlier (35x100). Right click inside the rectangle and select Layer via copy. Then go over to your Layer Palette and right click your rectangle. Select Duplicate layer and send the rectangle back to your icon. Desaturate your layer. (ctrl+shift+u) Then, just play around with your hue & saturation until you get it a way that you like it!
I stopped when I got this outcome...

Step 11: Now for the pretty little personalizations. ^^ I added a new layer, (ctrl+shift+n), and inserted a 2X100 black line between my black and white side, and the original one.
Like this...

Step 12: Lastly, I added a white text brush across the bottom of the icon.

And, tada! We are finished!

I'd love to see what you come up with after using this tutorial! XD

tut, poto

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