midnight is the best time to resume procrastinating over studying!!!

May 28, 2012 01:11

The Legend of Korra
Of Fire Ferrets and Dining Etiquette
Tenzin, Bolin, Pabu
Written for: Gaisce ♥ Who has written me tons of adorable fic and drawn me equally adorable fanart while receiving nothing in return. Whoops? HERE IS THE CULMINATION OF MY LOOOOOOOVE. AND LACK OF TALENT, because I am an expert at taking prompts and kindofsort of doing them wrong, sob
Prompt: Tenzin and Pabu; "he has better table manners than my kids"
731 words.

Despite Tenzin's few reservations about his family unit effectively doubling overnight, the newest residents of Airbender Island had settled in as comfortably as their circumstances allowed. Even with no notice, Pema had managed to sort out rooming arrangements and ensured that everyone could eat their fill, which he imagined was probably more difficult than he appreciated with two teenage pro-benders in their midst.

"Our food is a lot plainer than you're probably used to, I hope you don't mind," she had told Asami somewhat apologetically, but the young heiress had only assured them quietly that she was grateful for their hospitality.

Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo were ecstatic about their newest "playmates". The three airbenders had taken to tugging them through guided tours of the island, with overall narration provided by Jinora punctuated with prattling commentary from Ikki and a whole repertoire of sound effects courtesy of Meelo. Korra, meanwhile, had redoubled her efforts to train in airbending, her frustration so palpable that it was a wonder how the courtyard escaped unsinged.

"Uh, Mr. Tenzin, sir?" The younger of the two pro-bending brothers was standing before him somewhat anxiously, "I'm sorry to interrupt your meditating, 'cause you looked pretty comfortable and all, but I just wanted to make a request. Or well, ask a favour? No wait, the word I'm looking for is probably 'permission'..."

Tenzin nodded, "Of course. What can I do for you, Bolin? I hope my children aren't bothering you too much?"

"Oh no, not at all, sir! Meelo was showing me his circling-rock airbending trick, and I was showing him how I can pretty much do the same thing with my earthbending which kind of sent the little guy into a frenzy. But anyway, well, it's probably easier if I..." he coughed to clear his throat a bit, "Ahem! Presenting Pabu the Fantastic Fire Ferret! C'mon out buddy!"

A furry red face peeked over Bolin's shoulder, nose twitching and ears quivering slightly. "Say hi, champ!" Bolin said encouragingly, and Pabu chittered in response.

"Yes, I believe we've met... unofficially," Tenzin acknowledged, nodding to the fire ferret in question.

"So here's the thing! Pabu and me, we go way back. We're practically inseparable! Joined at the hip! Package deal and all that, if you get my drift."

"Hm, yes, I see."

"And he's really well-trained! I've taught him to do all sorts of tricks, and he's completely housebroken. He even knows some etiquette! Here, watch!"

Kneeling so that Pabu could traverse down his arm to the ground, Bolin put down a tiny clay teacup in front of his friend. "Okay Pabu, just like we practiced!" Bolin wheedled, making accompanying slurping sounds as he pointed at the cup.

Tilting his head to one side, Pabu regarded the cup, looked to Bolin, and then back at the cup. With a tail flick to help his balance, he used his dextrous little paws to grasp the cup and sat back on his haunches, lifting the cup to his face in an extraordinary imitation of drinking tea. Tenzin wasn't sure whether or not to clap. "That's... quite astonishing. I don't suppose you'd be interested in using your considerable talents and patience to help train Korra?" he asked with a soft chuckle.

"Oh no, that's your job!" Bolin protested in a reassuring, wide-eyed manner, "I'd never dream of it! I just wanted to know if it would be okay if Pabu came to the meals too! I noticed no one else really brings their pets, but Pabu's really family."

"I don't see why not. He certainly shows better table manners than Meelo," Tenzin admitted a bit wryly, "I'm sure Pema won't mind as long as we give her a bit of advanced notice."

"Really?! That's great, sir! Thank you, sir! You won't regret it, sir! Did'ya hear that, buddy?" Bolin let out a whoop, picking up Pabu and spinning him around so fast that Tenzin thought he saw a little bit of green underneath all that fur. "I'll let you go back to your meditating! Thanks again!" he shouted as he ran off with the possibly nauseated fire ferret slung over one shoulder.

And as it was, Pabu himself wasn't a problem at dinner that night.

(The same could not be said, unfortunately, of the three airbender children who were unable to contain their delight at the furry addition to the crowded dining table.)

the legend of korra, writing

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