May 28, 2010 00:00

How's My Driving?

Ah~ The seasons are changing: turning towards summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern. And, with the change of seasons at POLYchromatic, so comes our seasonal HMD. Yes, it's here, it's here! It's like summer vacation, like the last day of school~!! Well, maybe not, but... Bit early this ( Read more... )

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Comments 804

Heather harrysbackup May 28 2010, 04:10:31 UTC
Player name: Heather
Characters played:
Thomas Raith || The Dresden Files || harrysbackup
Brennan Mulwray || Mutant X || theshockvalue
Raphael || Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles || night-watching
Personal concrit link: Here
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: Yes, but I don't really like them.
Other comments? Any crit you have for me is fine. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.


caughtthebullet May 28 2010, 04:48:06 UTC
We haven't threaded very much but I wanted to say I like what I see of Raphael so far. He's coarse without edging over into callous bastard territory, but you can still tell he has a little bit of a chip on his shoulders. Yet none of that gets in the way of how you manage to express his sense of justice at the same time. Within the movieverse this "begrudging team player with a high penchant for vigilantism" attitude of his was always a draw for me and I feel that here in the way you RP him. Hope to interact with him more in the future.


harrysbackup May 28 2010, 04:52:15 UTC
We will certainly interact more, and thank you very much for the feedback. I still struggle with his voice at times, and at other times it seems to come out all on it's own. Thank you very much for the encouraging words.


Heather srsbusinessk May 28 2010, 06:05:51 UTC
Threading with Thomas and Harry is always so fun for Sammy, cuz the two act like polar opposites but are alike in so many ways, and definitely remind him of his relationship with Dean. I'm not too familiar with The Dresden Files, cuz I only ever had time to read half of the first book ><; but I still really like the way Thomas interacts with Sam so I look forward to more of it in the future..once I stop failboating. >>


Chi conductyourself May 28 2010, 04:12:40 UTC
Player name: Chi
Characters played:
Clow Reed :: CardCaptor Sakura :: i_themagician
Guru Clef :: Magic Knight Rayearth :: conductyourself
Personal concrit link: Lies.
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: ARE YOU LUCKY THIS WEEK?
Other comments? Hi. |D


Re: Chi moresake May 28 2010, 14:08:25 UTC
I know you're worried about Clow, but I think you still have his voice-- I think it's the actual posting and getting ideas that are problematic. Which happens. I like your plotting for next month so hopefully that will improve.

I would love to see more serious posts from both of them. I know that Clow is less serious than Clef, but from a bit of rereading I've realized he also kinda has a flair for drama-- I mean, the whole reason Syaoran was so determined to get the Cards was because Clow had written in a book that the world would freaking end if he didn't. So his dramatics aren't as overt as Yuuko's, but there's some potential to do more of them. And they always amuse me. |D Which takes away from the serious but alkdjfla idk I'm just trying to give some ideas. You know ilu.

You make this game better. ♥


i_themagician May 28 2010, 18:54:39 UTC
Yeah, I'm hoping that having ideas and posts planned out ahead of time - kind of like I used to do when I first joined (except I kept everything in my head) - will really help. It'll also guarantee a few posts that aren't for curses, because I always feel really bad when I just barely make activity and all four posts are curse posts.

He does! I have a lot of trouble not making it tongue and cheek because gjkdafl how do you even. But with the clock and the counting down to the end of all worlds thing kinda going on, I should make room for more dark posts. I have all these srs icons that I never get to use! BUT YES BRILLIANT IDEA. Ilu too~

No u. ♥


Re: Chi soulofocean May 29 2010, 01:43:30 UTC


treadingdawn May 28 2010, 04:13:54 UTC
Player name: Bon
Characters played:

Caspian X | Chronicles of Narnia | treadingdawn
Aslan | Chronicles of Narnia | nevertame
Adrian Veidt | Watchmen | caughtthebullet
Prince Nuada | Hellboy II | unseenprince

Personal concrit link: Here.
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: Sure.
Other comments? 8(


sword_boy May 28 2010, 04:29:28 UTC
I continue to hold the view that you handle Nuada with all his interesting nuances. You really do seem to able to keep the "humanity" out of his voice... or that's what I'm seeing at least.


Prince Nuada harrysbackup May 28 2010, 04:38:07 UTC
I have to agree with Brent. Nuada never comes off as human in any of his posts, and you can actually, even with the little he does say, feel his general disdain for the race. Considering it's a large focal point of his character, I have to say: kudos, bb.

The few times Thomas has threaded with him have been entertaining, and I blame myself for not doing it more often. Stupid stupid lack of time. Anyway, tldr - Nuada is very well done.


rehymenator May 28 2010, 06:44:21 UTC
Aslaaaan! ♥ I was hesitant to put Castiel into that situation to begin with, but you made it very easy to walk a fine line. You have a talent at representing his power without overtaking the thread or making him seem godmodey (har har) which seems like a big feat to me.

To add to the Nuada love, part of what I loved about his character in the movie was that he wasn't conflicted and he wasn't this maniac who tore through anything just because. He truly believes in his right as an elf and as a prince that he has a responsibility to take care of the earth. Along with his disdain, you balance that calmness and clarity in how he perceives his environment, along with his steadfast attitude. He comes off as duty bound but not cardboard and very emotional while being able to detach. Fantastic.


(The comment has been removed)

caughtthebullet May 28 2010, 04:53:06 UTC
I don't know how to express how I enjoy playing with your characters without sounding like I'm repeating myself from past HMDs, particularly for Cameron and Neil. So, this time, if I may say so without being creepy, I really enjoy how you're handling the development with the DPS boys 8) If you ever feel Adrian is crossing the line please let me know, not that he's spying or anything...

Actually I can say I feel your voice for Frankie is pretty spot on. When I read his posts or comments I can hear him like in the movie. I think that's a great achievement, it really makes me want to bring back a bloodsucker.


mollypocket May 28 2010, 08:22:47 UTC
Alms! I know it can be frustrating playing without a crew, you do an exceptionally great job at it. Frankie has found his niche. And I know that Brian is sneaking about in his way, not far at all. Of course I have to say something about Cameron! She's spot on. In the face of crazy and lunacy, she's levelheaded and feeling things out just as she should. Don't worry about activity. I know you'll be there in no time. Backdating is my bff.


Re: WE CAN'T STOP HERE THIS IS ALMS COUNTRY moresake May 28 2010, 14:22:32 UTC
Oh my gosh I love that plotting post. I am going to have to get up in that in the future, because totally brill idea.

I still adore Neil and would love to see some more poetry posts from him in the future. Even though I don't always tag them I just love reading them. /is selfish


Lassie gforgreat May 28 2010, 04:15:14 UTC
Player name: Lassie
Characters played: Timothy Hearst :: D. Gray-Man :: gforgreat
Personal concrit link: here.
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: Yes
Other comments? I know I've been lacking on activity and a little slow on tags and I'm trying to be better about that. I'm also feeling iffy on Tim's voice right now so any concrit will help!


conductyourself May 28 2010, 04:39:19 UTC
I don't know your canon, but that one thread was fun. ♥



payingrespects May 28 2010, 04:41:48 UTC

fghfghf fml 8( /wrong journal but w/e


Lassie harassmentgirl May 29 2010, 00:38:04 UTC

I think I already said this, but omg I love Timothy. I don't know his canon very well at all bu he and Alice are eerily similar in a lot of ways, and I absolutely adore their interactions. There are always those two trouble makers in the back of the classroom that break things, and I totally think those two people would be Alice and Tim. XD


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