Dec 06, 2008 07:48

saklhgsakkjad I'm so sorry life's just been kicking my ass and I'm not getting a moment's rest from looking after my dad (family sure knows when to be helpful when someone's in need x_x) but but but-- wah, I'm so sorry-- so the music festival! Big live event, open space in Xanadu, a whole day of music and entertainment through the City.

So, covering this quickly because I'm writing this really quickly, feel free to discuss things here--


- Those who signed up with Meg and Nana, please feel free to have your characters be participating in the stage-building and such, as well as practicing acts and pitching in with organization-- in fact, if people could start mentioning it, it would be great! Get more people aware and ICly um... I guess we'll start having our characters put up fliers and stuff. (That okay, Mendaa?)

- I was thinking for it to be on the 24th of December? That way, with the final act performing at midnight, there could be a cheery Merry Christmas shout out from everyone at the end of it!

- An idea I had for the format of performances, instead of doing just logs (I mean sure you guys can do logs--) should we do one big open log or just have characters making journal/network video entries instead, like Youtube Live did by streaming the concerts? That way all the songs people want to focus on as their main ones get highlighted in video entries, and so on? Of course, all replies to them may have to be commentlogs, but that's the fun, right?

Any other ideas, I'd be glad to hear. Let's discuss!

- This isn't a mod-approved event YET and it's JUST FOR FUN, because the City has amazing musical talent that totally needs to be exploited but it soon will be as soon as I can shanghai the mods and ask for permission POSSIBLY BY TODAY aaaaagh I keep getting called away sob. but there are no curses around Christmas sooooo... MODS IF IT'S NO TROUBLE MAY I ASK FOR PERMISSION HERE because if you don't I'll... uh. Have to delete this post. S-sob.

This is the most disorganized plot post ever, aheh.

Also, for reference's sake, could we have the people who were going to perform comment here so I can make up a list? I'll have Meg bring it up ICly too, but just so we can have a post to refer back to. I'll keep updating this with any changes that come up!!

So just comment with:

(journal name) | (Character Name) | (type of performance: group, solo & genre~ etc )

Plan plan plan-- unless this is all fine, in which case, we'll be good to go. LET'S HAVE FUN, MUSICIANS!

List so far:
- cat_on_strings | Ikuto Tsukiyomi | Violin/Solo
- firstmommy | Eve | Solo (Piano/Vocal)
- foolishviolin | White Owl | Solo (violin) or duet or group or... whatever depending on if he finds anyone to play with
- i_themagician | Clow Reed | Solo (Blues/Classical Piano)
- interstellared | Ranka Lee | Solo (Vocal) & SONGSTRESS D-D-D-DUEL with Sheryl Nome
- kazeno_youni and actingelegantly | Tenoh Haruka and Kaioh Michiru | Piano & Violin duet
- misterblackbird | Cain Hargreaves | Piano/Guitar duet with roseblooms
- mizrahigirl | Sakura Mizrahi | Piano solo
- northerncrossed | Sheryl Nome | Solo (Vocal)
- piano_virtuoso | Eyes Rutherford | Piano solo
- pinkikemenhero & rockstar_otouto | Hiiragi & Jun | Duet (Violin and Guitar), then a solo (Guitar) for Jun
- roseblooms | Megumi Yamamura | Duet with Cain & Rock Guitar solo
- sings4dragons | Menolly | Solo (Harp)
- sitaronthewater | Demyx | Sitar solo
- toburnperfectly & actingelegantly | Seiya Kou & Kaioh Michiru | Duet (vocal)
- vampbratprince & notapreacher | Lestat and Gren | Duet (Piano and Saxophone)
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