About S.H.O.T.A.

Jun 08, 2008 11:58

As mentioned in the POST I made A while back, S.H.O.T.A. is a citizen-run organization to prevent pedophilia.


This is mostly for lulz, but I think it'd be fun to have meetings for the members (refreshments will be provided, of course ♥), where they can discuss all possible threats to City youth.

Other topics of discussion may be the possible rehabilitation of said pedophiles, as well as your character's favorite places to enjoy afternoon tea. For the most part though, I don't really see the group doing anything outside of talking.

TO BE FAIR, the only pedophilic threats to the city mentioned in meetings are ones whose muns give their permission to be labeled as such. I don't want to start any crazy drama that no one is prepared for. And siccing a crew of militant lolis on an unsuspecting character's just plain mean.

Ideally, meetings would be held once a month. (Any suggestions on a particular day?)

If you've got any characters who'd be interested in taking initiative in keeping our fair City safe, please comment with your character's name and any abilities they could contribute to furthering the cause of the organization. (i.e. investigation, rehabilitation and even hand-to-hand combat)

Muns who want to have their characters placed on the list of "City Threats" should comment to this post as well.

That said, please help make S.H.O.T.A. happen~ ♥
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