Two heads-up for Umi's CR!

May 09, 2010 01:37

I'm going to be scarce to nonexistent tomorrow due to Mother's Day antics, guys. So, as a good lil' RPer, I thought why not employ that mini hiatus and make it all plotty and cool. Therefore, Umi will be vanishing from the face of The City tomorrow morning.

No, she won't be going home, but be affected my the Mother's Call curse. Basically what will happen is that she'll follow a mysterious female voice she barely recognizes but knows means something to her... down a cliff. 8|

Yep. She'll be knocked out and battered and probably more than a bit hurt too. All people she normally talks to or come across her during their day (here's looking atcha notcephiro) feel free to notice she's not around if you would.

She'll be back on Monday, scratched up and more than a little confused about what happened. Also WTFing at what was that voice all about.

Because, as some of you may know by her last entry, Umi made a trade for Ken's life. The deal's terms involved giving up her fencing skills for one month and her childhood memories for two months. This of course backfired on her horribly (as things are prone to do on Umi ;;) and she ended up forgetting most things about her parents. Thus the WTFing at her mother's voice.

But the mess she's in doesn't end there! Because she's so clever... NOT, Umi also ended up asking the deities to remove every memory of that trade so she wouldn't risk getting derpy and giving herself away when she talked to Ken. Therefore, she doesn't even remember she's now missing memories plus fencing skills.

Umi's childhood is a great personality definer for her. As a result of this, and in the upcoming days, her closest friends may notice the following:

- She'll seem less spoiled, though the hissy streak will remain. That's instilled in the deepest chore of her being.
- The temper will remain there, but she'll seem a little hollow at times. (Her parents are very important to her) As if she knew something is missing. But of course she won't get what's wrong exactly.
- She'll be more inclined to doing tasks she's shunned or done grudgingly before, like house chores. I mean, it's not like someone else's done those things for her all her life, right? Only for the half she remembers.
- HER MONEY PROBLEM IS GONE. Finally she'll be aware she mustn't spend more than she earns. All her memories of being spoiled rotten as a kid have vanished. Results: a more money-conscious Umi.
- ...What the hell happened at Eterna guys??
- She suddenly sucks at fencing, which she used to be great at. BUT SHE DOESN'T KNOW SHE SUCKS YET. Ergo, she'll be as confident as ever (maybe notice something different about her balance but will ascribe it to lack of practice). It's whenever she tries it out that she'll wonder sword goes where!?! (sorry, guys at the Dojo: she'll be an awesome teacher once she's fixed.)
- She still mostly loathes The City's guts but isn't in such a hurry to go home. Or, more accurately, she wants to go home to Hikaru and Cephiro. Because Cephiro is what her life is all about, right? right?? Or at least the part that is relevant.
- All ETC's I think along as I go.

...OMG tl;dr ftw.

Anyway. That's the rundown of what happened and how it may involve your character if he or she has a relationship with/knows Umi! o/ This will become plot-relevant for some curses, like the one quoted above. But I believed it noteworthy for reference and heads-up-ish purposes.

LOVE YOU, POLY. Have a nice Sunday.
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