When Video Games Steal Your Soul

Mar 10, 2008 21:39

AKA "Haley is never productive during spring break."

Anywho...for those of you who don't know, Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out on Sunday in the USA. Now, I'm not a big gamer these days college + RP = lack of time for it, but I've always been a big Nintendo fan, and...well, it's the sort of game that's easy to play in short bursts in-between doing other things.

...This is getting tl;dr already. In shortish, I spent all day yesterday playing the darn game, and most of today, as well. I was planning on being around more since this week is my Spring Break, but, well...with SSBB, that's not happening, I don't think.

SO. Just to make it official--I'm on semi-hiatus until Thursday the 13th. Because, between the fact that I'm actually a little busy this week, and the game...yeeeeeah, I'm still alive and around, but my activity will be slow.

Now, why only until the 20th? Because there's a con this weekend that I'm going to! Unless I decide at the last minute that I'm packing too much into my week, anyway. ^^; Anime Wasabi is this weekend (March 14-16), and I'm planning on probably going, so! That'll be a Full Hiatus, ladies and gents. Speaking of...any other Colorado-area folks going, or will I be there all on my lonesome?

So yes, semi, then full.

But wait! There's more! Yes, I know, this isn't short. I lied.

During the hiatus this week? I'm sending Autor back home. And he MAY be coming back...restarted.

Yes, you heard me right.

To start with, this isn't because of the HMD--past or present entries--or anything that anyone has said in general. I'm not being bullied, pressured, etc into this, and it's something I've decided on my own (while calm and in my right mind).

But, frankly? Autor's been...bugging me lately. I feel like I've done some good with him, but there's a lot of things in the past that I feel...dissatisfied with, and I'm starting to think that it's changed Autor...annnnd not in a good way. Again, I do think I've done some good things with him, but...he's lost a bit of his punch to me, among some other things that are bothering me, and...well, it's making him a drag to play recently. To the point where I've nearly dropped him a few times in the past few months.

I know he's fairly well liked, and I do like playing him, so I don't want to drop him...sooo, I've been feeling like I need to at least step back and rethink my charactersation of him, and possibly restart him if I feel as though he needs it. I'd hate to lose some of the events that's made him who he is in the City, but...I'm really starting to lean towards restarting him.

If I DO restart him, his backstory will possibly be changed a bit (I like the stuff with his father, but I'm not 100% sure about the drama with his mom), and...well, considering how he is in the show, he'll be a LOT more snarky, selfish and...unlikable. Character development will probably whittle away at this side of him again at least somewhat, buuut I think in the past I've made him a bit too friendly/open/nice for fear of offending others, but...let's face it, a sweet as the boy can be, he is rather flawed at times, sooo I can't really soften this too much. And he needs to be a bit smarter, because...well, his intelligence is one of the few things he's got going for him. XD;

So yes, if he's restarted, please don't be offended if he's a bit mean to characters he was previously friendly to.

That being said, I do want most of his old relationships to stay, despite the restart, so I'll purposefully be having him around the same old people again...and he'll warm back up to ya'll eventually, I promise! He just has to get used to it all again.

Um, to save people the reading time, here's the important stuff:
Semi-hiatus until Thursday, full hiatus after that until Monday evening or so. Autor is going home in a few hours, and may come back restarted. He might be away longer than the hiatus will last, depending on how long of a break I think I need with him. Ahiru (quackingly) and Raetsel (barteredbride) will be around, but sporadically, until the full hiatus. Tutu crew, feel free to godmod the gals if you need them. (Or poke me on e-mail and IM if you see me around.)

...Sorry, I can never say things in a short amount of time, huh? XD;;;

Autor's goodbye post of sorts will be going up soon-ish...within a few hours is my goal. Feel free to IM me or comment here or something if you have any questions.

Thanks all.


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