The Curse Brigade arrives!

Nov 08, 2009 16:48

So as of yesterday and today, Lockon, Setsuna, Tieria, Saji, and Anew are all going around posting up and handing out these flyers in the Square.


"If you can't beat 'em, do something about it anyway!"

Our objectives are as follows:

* Gather information on curses, study patterns and keep records
* Spread information about curses as they occur and as they are likely to occur (e.g. during holidays)
* Post suggestions for how to mitigate curses (e.g. what supplies one should keep on hand)

* Maintain communications with the police for any necessary joint efforts
* Help establish whether apparent crimes are the result of a curse (and therefore typically not punishable) or whether they should be investigated by the police (thus allowing the police time to investigate actual crimes)

* Mobilize teams of unaffected volunteers to patrol during dangerous curses to reduce damage
* Create rescue teams of unaffected volunteers to take care of people trapped or endangered by curses

* Explore newly appeared areas to determine whether they are cursed and dangerous (such as the pumpkin patch) or simply a new addition to the City (such as the mountain)
* Establish border patrols and guards around areas determined to be dangerous due to curses (not areas ordinarily dangerous, such as the Underground and the top of the mountain; this task is reserved for the police if they so choose)

* Establish official safehouses for the more overwhelming curses
* Mark them clearly on maps and with signs
* When a sanctuary is determined to be safe during any given curse, someone in charge of it can make a Network post and put out a sign indicating this

To join in our efforts, please contact any of the following, whether in person or on the Network:

Setsuna F. Seiei
Lockon Stratos
Tieria Erde

What does this mean for you OOCly? Well, Celestial Being is essentially creating a support team for helping to deal with curses. If your character is the civic-minded sort, they might want to get involved. Or they can just mock the efforts--it's up to you, of course.

None of this, of course, will put an end to the curses; it's more aimed at giving characters things to do during and about them. In other words, it's just characters doing what they can to establish some order in the chaos of the City, while knowing all the while that there will still be plenty of that chaos. Drop a line here if you have characters who'd be interested--or just go ahead and post about it IC! I know a lot of characters are already doing some of these things individually; we're just trying to open up some more CR and RP opportunities with it.

Yep, this is all mod-approved. And yes, "Curse Brigade" is a terrible name. It was thought up by a man who thought "Lockon Stratos" was a cool codename.

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